I was the most dedicated fan in the world.. or at least i thought i was. They were 5 boys in my life.. no i had never met them and even if i did.... i didnt think i would ever have a chance but i never gave up. i was too young for them, i was.. ugly, and i was shy and no way those 5 boys would ever fall for me. But i still loved them and that would never make me loose hope.. becasue whenever i thought of them i knew that if i did meet them i would be able to be myself because i knew there was no one there to judge. and thats what i liked about them they made me feel comfertable.
The next they said there was a big annoucment on my local radio staion.. something about a british boy bad... well im just thinking who could that be? well obviouly it was one direction..... the 5 boys i loved. And so i woke up early to hear the announcment and so i did they said they were gonna have a contest and winner gets meet and greet passes to go see one direction in Toronto. That moment i picked up my phone... whispered to myself this is my chace payed to god and called thier number... little did i know as they picked up the I WON...i was going to go meet the 5 boys that i loved..... i was excited as ever
After that i went to school. I felt like everyone already knew that i had won and they knew that i had one extra ticket. All of a sudden i became instanly popular i had never felt that way before. But i dint like it i wanted people to like me for who i was not for meet and greet passes to a one direction concert. And anyways i already knew who i wanted to take. My best friend Brit.. we always stayed up all night and fan girled and i couldnt think of taking any one else. And so the plan was set me and Brit would go together and meet one direction... i couldnt help but thinking that, it would be the best night of my life