Chapter 5 - Birthday

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Chapter 5 - Birthday

Finally it is Arvind's birthday. Arnav wished his father and conducted a pooja as per his father's wish. They distributed food and items to needy people....

Arnav took his dad for an outing, let him drive the car with Arnav managing the brake and accelerator.

At evening,

"Khushi beta didn't wish me...."

"She didn't know that today is your birthday."

"She know that...."


"She saw my whatsapp status... remember the selfie we took when we cut the cake together. Khushi saw that....but didn't reply."

"She must be busy Papa."

Arvind likes Khushi a lot and when she didn't wish him it makes him sad.

"Yeah she must be busy...." arvind said in a low voice

"She told me that she will be out of town for couple of days"

"I thought maybe we would visit her restaurant....if she is not there...there is no need to go there."

It is around 8 pm.

"Arnav why are we here....?"

"Khushi called me and asked me to pick up something."


"Come Papa"

"Why is it so dark here?"

Suddenly the light came along with a loud happy birthday. Arvind was surprised... He didn't expect this. Khushi came forward and kneel down.

"Happy birthday uncle." Saying this she hugged him

"Thank u beta"

"Arnav told me that you will be out of..." Arvind saw Arshi looking at each other and smiling

"So you both planned this together."

Khushi nodded her head.

Ravi and Santhosh too wished him

"Let's cut the cake." Khushi said with excitement and lead them to the table. A beautiful cake was there which says 'Happy Birthday to the Perfect Father'. the theme of the cake was world. There is a miniature open car in which there are 2 figures which present Arnav and Arvind. Arvind smiled seeing the cake.

 Arvind smiled seeing the cake

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instead of 60 it is 55 years. imagine a miniature of car instead of that elephant.

"I'm not perfect beta....and this cake is beautiful."

" are perfect to us....that all matters. I'm glad that you liked the cake."

"Khushi, I must say I didn't expect such an brilliant cake. Thanks a lot Khushi." Arnav said stunned with the cake. In between his talk he mentioned Khushi how he fulfilled his wish of taking Arvind for a tour. It was 3 years back when he is finally settled in his life. He took Arvind to places his dad wish to go.

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