Chapter 8 - Longing

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After the police took NK from there, it's only Nani and Nana was in the room with Arvind and Arnav.
"What happened to him...hmm?" Arvind asked his mother in law hesitantly as he doesn't know what to call her.
"Call me maa... Beta..."
"What happened to him maa....I mean's like he is out of control."
Devayani was about to reply but Nana replied to him.
"It's because of me and manohar. Now I regret seeing my grandchild like this. Arvind beta, he considers you as your hero... There is a reason for it.
You saved ratna from a life full of compromises and gave her a life full of love. I'm sure that my daughter had a beautiful life with you and Arnav, even though it was a short one...Such a life was snatched away from my Nandu, by his own family...He loved a girl named Lavanya.... Like you and ratna they too loved each other very much. They met when they were in 11th, which continued till their college. Somehow manohar came to know about it. He threatened Lavanya's parents to get her married off to some other person and they agreed fearing manohar. Nandhu came to know about it and they were planning to get eloped but on that day Manohar locked him in the room for two weeks. With in that time Lavanya got married and left this place. Manohar wants him to get married to his Friend's daughter Sheetal. When NK came to know about this ....he was angry...After that nk started drinking,got into fights and cases. So that it will harm his father's status and pride for which he separated his love from him and manohar thinks that Sheetal can change nk from all these. I wish I could turn the clock and make everything right." Nana completed with a quivering sound.
Arvind and Arnav felt bad for nk. Arvind knew how painful it is to get separated from one's love and Arnav can understand his feeling...he can't think about a life without Khushi now.

All of them were silent for a moment.
"Maa we have to leave now." Arvind announced.
"You both please have food with us and go. I made ratna's fav dishes. I don't know if I will get a chance like this again."
"Come and have lunch with us beta..." said Nana to Arvind
Arvind was shocked, he didn't expect that ratna's father will accept him ever.
Arvind nodded his head and they moved to the table. Arvind was surprised to find a small table along with two chairs.
"I thought this will make you comfortable."
Arvind thanked his mother in law.
Arvind was again shocked to find Nana serving him food
" that's OK...we will manage." Arvind said to his father in law.
"I knew that what I did was wrong...I'm sorry for that... Hope that you will forgive me someday...and call me babuji like my ratna did."
"Ji... Babuji...." Arvind said hesitantly
"You forgive me that easily after what I have done to you???" Nana asked
"If my ratna was here...she would want the same..." That's all Arvind replied.
"I'm glad that she found you and had a good are a good man Arvind... and you young man... makes a good son. You have brought him up very well Arvind... Not like me... And my son"
Nana said to both of them.
"Nana...nani, you both should have food with us.'
Arnav stood from there and placed two plates on the dining table near to them.

Four of them had food chatting about Arnav's childhood...ratna and Arvinds life together and the mallik's part of stories etc
After the lunch,
"Nana...nani... if you don't mind, can we visit maa's room"
"Sure beta...come let me take you there." Saying this Devayani took both of them to ratna's room
"All these years only I used to visit this room. After a long time, harindraji visited this room for the first time.... coming back from hospital...I will leave both of you now."
The room was very simple.
"Just like your maa...her room is also simple."
"You never been here?? I mean what about that incident you told me." Arnav asked.
Arvind dragged Arnav to the window.
"Your mom stood here while I was outside the window... Standing on a ladder."
Arnav lifted Arvind so that he can touch the window frame.
"When I came here your mom was lying on that bed...crying."
Both of them sat on the bed ....
"I want to lie here for some time." Arvind lied there closing his eyes while Arnav moved to the table. He saw the carving on the table.
He opened the shelf....found some old books...He went through the books...In some pages he saw so many cute things. Some writings like 'Ratna Arvind Singh Raizada'
He found a small drawing, a lady and a man smaller than between them a a family. It brought tears in his eyes. Arnav went to Arvind and showed it to him.
"She showed it to me when she drew this pic..."
"Papa...can you feel maa right here watching over us."
"I'm sure that your maa is with this room..."
"I just want you to know that I love both of you a lot..."
"I too love my little Arnav and Ratna a lot." Said Arvind hugging Arnav, they lied on the bed for some time.
After a few minutes,
"We have to leave Arnav."
"Yeah...before going I have something to show you."
Arnav showed him the carving 'AR', also took some books with him.
"I hope that nani and Nana have any problem with us keeping these books."

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