Chapter 6 - I Love You

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Chapter 6 - I Love You

Khushi reached the xyz restaurant to meet one of Khush's friend's sister. Khushi asked her to pick up something for him.


"Yes, are you Khush's sister?"

"Yes, I am Khushi Kumari Gupta."

"Rohan told me that you would come here. Sorry for disturbing you. He is out of town and I don't have any leave..."

"That's OK Ms. Ria"

Ria gave Khushi the book which Khush needed. Khushi was about to move from there when she saw arnav there.

"Arnav???" Khushi then noticed the figure standing next to him, girl who is dressed in a knee length cocktail leg with a white complexion. They both made a great couple. Khushi saw arnav smiling at what the girl said to him. Khushi hide from their view when they walked outside. Khushi heard a part of their conversation.

"Arnie,you know Sam from our batch. I saw him recently, he asked about us. I told him that I will send the wedding card soon. It will be fun."

"Yeah, can't wait to see their reaction." Arnav commented.

"I brought the apartment we shared." 

"That's great." Arnav told her and they get into the car and drove away.

While a teary Khushi tried hard to control her emotions.

He is engaged to her. That's why she have that big ring on her finger. They were together all these times. I'm such a stupid to expect more from him. She is here that's why he didn't took my calls yesterday and told me that he were busy.

With a heavy heart Khushi went back home. Arnav called Khushi that evening, but Khushi ignored his call saying that she is busy. Arnav don't understand why she is behaving like that.

Next day is Monday, Khushi did attended his call but talked a little. When Arnav asked her about it she told him that she is busy as there is so many customers. Arnav got busy with some important stuff and he didn't call her.


Next day Arnav reached the restaurant when it was about to close.
"Khushi, I will drop you today..."
"No Khush will come to pick me up."
"He asked me to pick you up."
"It's ok Arnav, I will manage...."

"Khushi you are my friend and I won't take a no from you."

The word 'Friend' pierced her heart.

He considers me as a friend...just a friend...
"Ok, let me grab my bag."

Khushi took her things and entered her car. On their way,

"Khushi, I want to take you somewhere and have a surprise for you. Will you come with me?"
"Hmm...I have to inform my parents."
"OK call them"
Khushi called Shashi and told that she will be little late.
"Where are we going, Arnav?"
"You will know that soon, we are almost there."
They reached near a gate...and Arnav parked his car near to that gate.
"Come with me Khushi."
"It is so dark here...."

"It is my farmhouse, Khushi."

Arnav walked holding Khushi's hand. Suddenly the light came and she grasped seeing the arrangements. The lawn is decorated with heart shaped balloons and fairy lights and flowers.
"Arnav this...." Khushi turned to talk to him, but found him kneeling down.
"From the moment I saw you in the cafe...I felt a pull towards to you....It grew as we become friends...You don't know how much value you hold in my life.... You treated me as Arnav who was the son of a daily wager.... You don't look into my status or money when I befriend you. I want to say that I love the girl who treated me as Arnav...I love the girl who jokes with me...who teases me...who treats my father as he is...I love that girl who took every pain to cook special dishes for me. I'm wholly in love with you Khushi Kumari Gupta.

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