Chapter 9 - Fear

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In shantivan
Arvind was going through some old stuffs and talking to Ratna as usual... He told her what all he felt when he visited Lucknow again..what happened there etc...
He believes that Ratna is there with them, watching them and looking after them.. Its give him peace when he talks to her like that.
He walked to the hall, near to which a big portrait of ratna is placed which is surrounded with childhood pics of Arnav and their family pics. Its is like a peace corner for Arvind. Standing there he felt the need to visit the temple, to thank the god for all these...for Khushi...the new relations etc. He decided to visit the temple on the next day, without Arnav's knowledge as Arnav don't believe in god...

Next day,
Khushi rushed to the temple as a part of her routine. She noticed a crowd in front of the temple....
Khushi got into the crowd to see what happened and was shocked to find Arvind lying on the floor covered in blood . Khushi rushed near to him ...
"Uncle...uncle ... Somebody pls call any vehicle...." Khushi shouted at the crowd...
Khushi reached the hospital with Arvind.
The doc where checking Arvind while Khushi called Arnav.
"Arnav... Can you come to sanjeevani hospital now...its urgent."
"Khushi are you ok? What happened?"
"Come soon...I will tell you everything.. Please come."
Khushi informed her parents about the situation. She assign the head cook and manager to look after the affairs of the restaurant.
After a few minutes, Arnav reached there.
"Khushi wht happened?"
"Arnav..." Khushi don't know how to tell him....what to tell him..she had tears thinking about it.
"Khushi, why are you crying...and covered in blood?"
"Arnav...your father... He slipped from the temple steps...."
Arnav was shocked he don't know what to do...he felt numb...its like the floor beneath him disappeared all of a sudden, it was hard to digest.
" are kidding.. Isn't it Khushi??? You ate joking... Aren't you??"
Khushi cried and shook her head. Arnav wished if it is a bad dream, but reality slapped at his face. His father is in hospital. When he grasped it, he collapsed on the floor.
Khushi too kneel on to his level and hugged him
"My papa...I don't want to loss him Khushi...I...." Tears flow from his eyes. He don't care if anyone see him in such a state. It is his father who is fighting for his life.
"Nothing will happen to uncle..." Khushi assured him.
They broke the hug. Khushi made him sit on the seat.
"Thanks docs are checking him" Khushi told him squeezing his hand.

After a few minutes,
A doc came out and asked for Arvind's relatives.
"How is my father???"
"Mr raizada's condition is bit critical... He had lost a lot of blood... For the next 24 hrs we cant say anything..." The doc told him.
"How can you say like are the doctor... Save him..." Arnav shouted at him
"I can understand your feelings.. But we are not god...we are trying our best to save your father..." Saying this the doc walked away.
A nurse came asking for blood...Arnav went to give blood while she stayed outside Arvind's room.
Arnav wakes up after giving blood, he found saw Khushi sitting next to him
"How long did I sleep?"
"2 hrs..."
"How is papa...did they say something?" Arnav asked trying to get up from the bed
" are weak....they are giving a blood transfusion to uncle... Don't papa is there with uncle..."
"I have to go and see how my papa is..." Arnav tried to stand up.
"Have this and go... You need to have this now Arnav... If you fell ill how will you look after uncle... Please have it for uncle's sake." Saying this Khushi started to feed him.
Later m they moved to see Arvind. It pained him to see his father lying on the hospital bed attached with wires and all. This is the first time he is seeing his father like this. He know that this.image won't go away from his mind that soon. Whole day Khushi and Shashi stayed with Arnav...
At night...
"Khushi... You and uncle should go home now... I will manage here..." Arnav told to both of them.
"No...Arnav we arer ok...we will stay here..." Khushi tried to convince him.
"No Khushi and uncle should go home and take rest...uncle needs to have medicines and all... I will manage."
" are also like my child... But if you insist we will go but Khush will be here with you... Don't feel that you are alone beta...we all are here for you..." Shashi understood arnav and suggested it.
Khushi made Arnav have food prepared by Garima which khush brought there.
"I will come tomorrow... Call me if you want to talk to me..don't bother about the time Arnav..." Khuhsi said to Arnav before leaving with Shashi. She don't want him to keep everything within himself.
Khush stayed with Arnav...helping him around...It was new to Arnav.
All these was just him and his dad. His dads friends did helped them, but they too had some other commitments. Now Khushi's family is here... Not letting him to be alone. He felt good...

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