Chapter 7 - Brothers

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Next day, Arnav and Arvind went to the restaurant at evening. They sat on their usual spot.

"Haiii uncle...haiii Arnav" Khushi came there and was feeling little shyness.

"I'm happy for both of you." arvind told her, and Khushi looked at Arnav.
Beta...can you have dinner without? I mean if you are free..."
"Sure uncle, all the customers already went away and it's just me and some other workers."
Khushi sat next to Arnav. Arvind asked Khushi about her parents' reaction. She was talking about that when Arnav held her right hand under the table. She started to have food with left hand while trying to free her right hand from his hold.
"Beta, why are you eating with left hand?" Arvind asked.
" of work... I'm having pain on my right hand....that's why."
"It will be difficult to eat with left hand. Arnav, feed Khushi bitiya...she is finding it hard to have food." Arvind instructed him.
"Is it paining a lot Khushi?"
"No... Mom will massage happens often." Khushi said with an angry face.

Arnav started feeding Khushi while Arvind was concentrating on his food. Arnav was touching her lips intentionally along with lit squeezing her hand. Khushi was feeling so many feelings at a time....
After finishing the food Arvind went to washroom and Arnav stole a kiss at that time. Khushi blushed looking here and there.
"Arnav, what was that..?"
"What??? You mean the kiss?? It was just to make us equal."
"Yup...yesterday you pecked on my cheek and I couldn't return that now I returned that kiss."
"Then you should have kissed me on the cheek."
"OK...." saying this he kissed her cheek and he eyes got wide open seeing his act.
"Now give me my kiss back?"
"Which kiss?"
"Your cheek kiss got settled, but what about the kiss I gave you on your lips.... So give that back to me."
"No...I can't..."
"Where is that girl who kissed me yesterday."
Khushi blushed recalling their kissing session.
"Don't worry can give that later... "Arnav winked at her
Khushi have never seen this side of Arnav and she likes it.
Arvind came back and they were all decent again.

Arnav made Arvind sit properly in the car and came near Khushi.
"Khushi....I want to ask you something?"
"What is it Arnav?"
"Will you come for a date with me?"
Khushi blushed and nodded her head
"What does that means?" Arnav asked her.
'I will come with you Arnav."
"OK...this Sunday...I will pick you up."
"OK...I'm looking forward to it" Khushi said with a smile.

Arnav brought her hand near to his mouth and kissed on the back of her hand.

Arnav have already asked her to wear something comfortable and casual. Khushi was excited, trying out each and every dress from her wardrobe. Finally Arnav came to pick her up.

"You look beautiful Khushi." Arnav commented.

"You are also looking good."

They entered the car and started the journey.
"Where are you taking me Arnav???"
"It's a surprise."
"At least give me a hint....please."

"No....but I hope that you like's something which I wanted to try but didn't get an opportunity."
Finally they arrived the destination
"Arnav....I never thought that you will take me here...I mean here!!! I loved it...."
"Have you visited any other parks?"
"Yup....I was small...may be 10 or ...papa...Amma...khush went to a park, but that was small" Khushi told him remembering those moment.
"Arnav what if someone identify you... It may affect your reputation. I mean being here with me..."
Arnav smiled at her concern
"I have already taken care of that...don't worry."
"How? Are you going to wear a fake moustache and beard?"
Arnav started laughing at her silly thought
"Arnav I'm serious...."
"Omg Khushi... I thought only my dad ask such weird questions.... Now you too."
Khushi punched him.
"Go and enjoy yourself ...I'm not coming out of this car."
"Then I'm also not going out...let's stay here..."

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