Chapter 1. New eveything

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Michael's POV

New school. New house. New country. I moved to from Australia to England last week and I don't know anybody. My Mum got a promotion which somehow meant moving to England. I'm going to have to make new friends which sucks because nobody will like me. I only had like 5 friends at my old school and I was there the whole time. It's not like I even have siblings to talk to. I start school tomorrow and I'm actually quite nervous and I never get nervous. I'm going to be taking music, ICT and some other stupid class that I'm probably not that good at. Hopefully there will be some hot girls there, not that they would like me because I'm not exactly a charmer.
I was actually quite well behaved in my other school and if I did get in trouble it was usually Calum's fault. He was by far my best friend in Australia and we still have to Skype each other like every day now. I did have other friends they just weren't as close to me. I like being a loner.

"dude I can smell you from here when did you last take a shower your hair looks stupid"

the most polite way to start a conversation with calum.

"I'm in the middle of fucking dyeing it man. Wanna look good for tomorrow"

"oh well it looks like shit right now but anyway what you taking?"

" music ICT and something else. I think it's psychology"

"wow you sound thrilled michael"

me and calum talked for another half an hour before I had to wash my hair then go to bed because of fucking school.

Layla's POV

It's 5 am and im trying to sneak in my house it works like basically every night but I think i have had way too much to drink tonight. My parents are so fucking strict if they see me like this I'm dead. Ashton was still in his car laughing at me as I tried to climb up the wall towards my window, causing me to laugh.
"Good luck mate" he whisper shouted at me as he drove off. What a cock.
I managed to grab my window that was half open while standing on my patio door. I opened it widely and managed to get my self to fall through the window on to my bed. It was a good thing I'm drunk because I can't feel how cold it really is and how much that probably hurt..
It was the first day back at school tomorrow after chrismas break I'm probably not going in. My phone vibrated saying I got a text from Ashton

"heard there is a new kid called mike or something in tomorrow. He has no clue what he got himself into. Must have been really shit as his other school to be sent here x"

"ha oka changed f my mind about gohing in now x"

He will know what I mean through that text.
Well this mike kid should have fun tomorrow. He will probably be one of the only kids to hang out with the hemmings. Better go to sleep if I need to be up in 2 hours.
lol I'm going to be drunk at school tomorrow this is great. It's quite strange because I'm actually really good at school and get good grades. I'm just the 'rebel' which is total shit. I've just been hurt too much so now I avoid everybody and have no feelings.

Michael's POV

school starts at 8:45 and it's like 8 now so I'm not going to be late. I've had my shit breakfast in a kitchen full of crap because we still haven't unpacked everything. After I got ready and tried to choose an outfit it was 8:34
I'm going to be late if I walk...



thank fuck. I looked at my appearance once more. I was wearing my black skinny jeans with black high tops and a white Metallica shirt with and a leather jacket. I also put on my coat because it's fucking freezing in England. I looked at my hair and saw that it is a bit of a brighter red than expected. oh well.
I put my backpack on which was basically empty it had my lunch in and a notebook... and possibly a pen. My mum came down looking all smart and shit. I don't even know what her job is. She has to wear suits so it must be boring.

Bad Girl (a Michael Clifford fanfiction)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin