Chapter 4

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Kaida's P.O.V.

For what seemed like hours, I was scribbled sketches of clothes designs on a drawing pad. Finally, the woman's annoying voice stopped. I sighed in relief, but the woman started talking again and I let my head drop.

"So, now that I've gone through all the fabrics and colours, do you know what you want?" The woman question now as she turned to face me. I looked up at her and smiled weakly, shaking my head. She shook her head and sighed, turning back to her beloved fabrics in silence, picking anything that wasn't supposed to be there off them. I enjoyed the silence as I finished my sketch. When I finished, I sadly had to break the silence.

"Um....." was all I could say. I'm not a very talkative person. The woman turned to me with a growing smile.

"Yeeeessss?" she asked in a high-pitched voice. This woman creeps me out a bit. I lifted up the drawing pad and turned my sketch towards her. The woman gasped.

"Oh my my! You're quite the artist, aren't you?" she said excitedly. She ran to me and grabbed the pad from my hand. She looked all over my sketch, 'ooo-ing' and 'awww-ing' as she did.

"Is this what you want?" she smiled at me. I just nodded. She clapped excitedly.

"Okey-dokey then!" She ran around collecting fabrics and sewing materials as she sang happily to herself.

"We're going to have so much fun!"


As I got dressed in my new clothes, I heard a familar male voice talking to the hyper woman about clothes. Kakashi-sensei......Kakashi! I quickly finished putting on my clothes and dashed out of the changin room to pounce on Kakashi, nearly killing him with a bear hug.

"Kakashi!!! YAY!" I screeched. Kakashi sweatdropped.

"Kaida....uh......" I let him go, and he brushed himself down. Suddenly the woman screeched.

"OH-MY-GOSH!!!! You look....WOW!!" she giggled uncontrollably while clapping like a little girl.

I glanced at Kakashi and whispered "Get me outta here!" With that, Kakashi nodded, grabbed a bag from beside him, grabbed my wrist and we ran out of the shop and around the corner into an alleyway. We could hear the woman calling our names, but after a minute she stopped. Kakashi peered around the corner, to check if it was clear.

"Clear" he announced. He turned to me and looked me up and down. What the hell was he doing, the pervert!

"You look nice." He said as he looked me up and down again.

"What the hell! You Perv!"

Kakashi's P.O.V.

"Clear" I announced. I'm gald we got away from that. I turned and looked Kaida up and down.

"You look nice." She wore a tight, red, low cut, belly top with a big collar. She wore black shorts and black ninja shoes with a zip at the top that she left opened. She wore alot of fishnet - fishnet covering her torso and abdomen, fishnet covering her lower left arm and hand, fishnet covering her knees, and fishnet covering her shins. She had bandage wrapped around her whole right arm, I wonder why? The woman it seems gave her two bangles. She wore a bangle on each wrist, as well as two arm bands, one on each arm, with a seal on both. A closer look told me that they were weapon summoning bands, something thats quite rare, and not seen often. How did this girl get them?

"What the hell! You Perv!" She screamed at me, pushing me back. I stumbled back, but got my balance back quickly. That was unexpected.

"No! That's NOT what I ment!" I shook my hands infront of me.

"Yeh, sure! Of course not you perv! I saw the book you bought from the bookstore! It was one of the Make Out Paradise books! PERV-ERT!" She spat, turning away folding her arms.

"You've got an attitude....just like him anyway.." I muttered.

"What? Like who? Who's him? Tell me!" I could see the anger rising in her light blue eyes.

"You'll find out soon enough..." I could see the anger building up even more as she glared at me...evilly. Something tells me this isn't going to be easy....

Kaida's P.O.V.

"What? Like who? Who's him? Tell me!" I made my anger evident in my eyes.

"You'll found out soon enough..." My anger kept building as I glared at him, evilly. I wasn't going to make this easy. He was going to tell me! I remembered all my practising when I was living in my den, and the most important training for me was my sharingan training. I practised alot so I had developed my own unique sharingan, that should surpass my brother Itachi's one day. Remembering all of my training, I activated my sharingan. Kakashi's uncovered eye grew wide.

"Kaida, calm down. I don't want anyone do get hurt." He warned me, but I ignored. I went a step further, and activated mangekyou sharingan, and quickly put Kakashi under a genjutsu. It was only a simple genjutsu, to scare him for what seemed like a thousand years to him but was in fact only a second in reality. Basically it involved blood, colours and crows and hopefully he would be scared out of his mind. Precisely a second later in reality, Kakashi collapsed to his knees, holding his head.

"Kaida....please. I don't want anyone to get hurt." He repeated in a strained voice. Wow, my genjutsu did the job. I deactivated my mangekyou sharingan reurned to my normal sharingan to see if I could predict his moves.

"Fine, I won' hurt you if you just tell me what I want to know damn it!" I spat. Kakashi looked up at me slowly, meeting my glare.

"I didn't mean that I didn't want me to get hurt" Suddenly, he disappeared, and within a second, was behind me holding a kunai to my neck.

"I meant you, Kaida. I don't want to have to hurt you." He said barely over a whisper. I gasped. He' fast. How...? Not good enough though.

I quickly but subtletly started forming handsigns for my teleportation jutsu that I still had to work on, hoping that it would work the way I planned. I lowered my head and chuckled as I finished my handsigns, poofing away in a puff of smoke. Kakshi looked stunned.

"That was too easy, Mr. copy-cat ninja! I thought you would have at least given me a bit of a challenge." I laughed, my voice echoed around the startled Kakshi as he tried looking for me, but failed. With that, I quietly ran away from him, hoping that I lost him for a while. Where I was running, I didn't know. That granny hokage is gonna' be pissed at me but I don't care. The only things I wanted were answers. Answers and to avenge my family! I will have my revenge!

Kakashi's P.O.V.

"Damn it!" I cursed out loud. How could I let her slip away so easily? There's something about her...something different, but what? That was just too skillful for a mere child...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2015 ⏰

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