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Third Person POV:

Peters wakes up to the blazing rays of the sun shining in my eyes. "Ughhh" Peters groans as the light blinds him. "What day is it" Peter says stretching his arms.

"It is Sunday May 27" Jarvis answers to the boy.

"Thanks Jarvis" Peter says.

 *Gurrrgggle* 'I should probably eat something' Peter thinks after his stomach grumbles.

He gets up and out of his warm bed, puts on some cozy sweatpants and a sweatshirt. (It's starting to become winter). Then he heads downstairs to the Avengers kitchen where Bruce, and Steve are. 

"Good morning Peter" Steve says to the tired looking boy.

'I'm just going to say good morning back because that's what normal people do even though every morning is a bad morning' Peter thinks to himself. 'Why don't people say bad morning when they are having a bad morning?' Peter thinks again. "Good morning" Peter says then tiredly sits on one of the stools next to Bruce near the counter.

"Would you like some waffles?" Steve says as he starts to get the ingredients out for the waffles.

"Umm sure" Peter says not really hungry but just going with it.

*Awkward pause*

"So Peter I was just thinking we should all stay here today and have a movie night, I just don't want you to have a panic attack again around people" Bruce says out of nowhere. 

Peter wasn't expecting him to just talk about this right away. He remembered what happened yesterday, he just didn't want to bring it up, but it had to be done sooner or later. "Yeah, that wasn't fun" Peter says looking at the ground.

Then the one and only Tony Stark aka Iron man walks into the kitchen with some papers. "Hey Peter" Tony says sitting down next to the boy. "I just wanted to show you these" Tony says and hands the papers to Peter.

Peter looks at them for a second then turns to Tony smiling "THANK YOU TONY!" Peter says and jumps onto the man engulfing him in a big hug.

"No problem kiddo" Tony says and they both release from the hug. 

"What do the papers say?" Steve says to Tony and Peter.

"I adopted spiderboy" Tony says patting Peters head like a little kid. 

Steve and Bruce just look at Tony with a huge smile on there faces. "Welcome to the family kid!" Clint says as he jumps down from the vents. He lands on the counter table in front of everyone.

"Thanks" Peter says a little taken back by Clint jumping down and scaring him. 

"Also your starting school on Monday" Tony says and gets up from his stool. 

"Wait?! Really!?" Peter says shocked that he will be able to go back to school.

"Yeah, kid. Your only 15 and should still go to school" Tony says as he starts to walk off towards the elevators. 

"Thank you so much Tony!" Peter says and runs towards the billionaire and hugs him again. 

"No problem kid" Tony says and then heads off to the elevators.  "I got some work to do, so ill see you guys later today" Tony says and the elevators start to close. 

"Movie night starts at 6" Bruce says just before the doors close, hearing an 'ok' from the philanthropist.


Time Skip (5:50 PM):

Peter is upstairs in his room laying on his bed staring at the ceiling. He has earbuds in his ears and is listening to some music.

(Play music at top if wanted) 

He needs the loud music to distract himself. He still can't believe that Aunt May is dead and everyone that he loved.

He just feels like his heart is being punched by the hulk over and over again. 'It will never go away' 'But in the end I deserve it' Peter thinks but then a soft knock on his door is present. If he didn't have enhanced senses then he probably wouldn't have heard it.

"Peter, movie night is starting soon. Do you want to come down and join us" Steve says after knocking on the boys door.

"Yeah ill be right down" Peter says and takes out his earbuds. He heads down to the common room and sees all the Avengers sitting down on the couch. They are all talking and chatting with one another. 

Peter walks into the room and sits down on the couch in the middle of Steve and Tony . He didn't really have a choice of where to sit because Tony patted the seat between him and Steve but he was glad that he got to sit near his two biggest idols.

"Hey kid were just getting started with movie night" Tony said and ruffled the boys hair making it stick up in different directions.

"Ok cool" Peter says and lays back confortable in the couch.

"So what are we watching this time?" Bruce says looking up from his book called 1984 (I need to read this book for summer reading and its soooo boring but I think Bruce would be someone who would enjoy it).

"Hey I needed to read that book for summer reading last year! It was sooo boring" Peter says stretching out the 'sooooo' and rolling his eyes at the same time.

"Really? I think it's quite interesting" Bruce says pushing up his glasses a little with one finger.

"Ok..ok enough of this 1984 stuff because its giving me flashbacks" Steve says and puts his hand up to his head trying to get rid of the memory of the war during 1984. (wow that rhymed lol).

"Ok so what movie are we watching?" Bruce says again trying to change the subject.

"Oh!!! Can we please watch Lion King?!" Clint says like a 4 year old.

"No!" Everyone says at the same time besides Peter because he doesn't really care what they watch.

Clint crosses his arms and pouts like a kid giving them the look.

"How about we watch Saving Private Ryan?" Bruce says because he's Bruce and likes educational history movies.

"That sounds boring" Tony says like another kid.

"Yeah and that will give me horrible flashbacks to D-day" Steve says putting his hand on his head again.

"Why don't we let Peter decide what we watch?" Natasha says crossing her arms at all the children in this tower.

"Ummmm" Peter says thinking. "How about Lord of The Rings?" Peter says making Clint jump up from his seat.

Clint comes over to Peter and hugs him very tightly, picking Peter f=up from the couch and spinning him around saying, "Finally someone who thinks like me!!!!".

Clint puts Peter down and Peter starts to get a little dizzy. "Ummmm thanks?" Peter says and sits down on the couch again and puts his hand up to his head trying to stop the dizziness.

"Wow Clint you made the kid dizzy good job" Natasha says with her arms still crossed.

"Sorry" Clint says and sits back down with this hands in a surrender position.

"Ok good choice kiddo" Tony says and gives Peter a little elbow punch, not one that would hurt but just one for fun.

"Jarvis play Lord of The Rings" Tony says and the movie starts to play and the lights dim.

Peter forgets about his guilt of his Aunt May and just enjoys this amazing movie with his new superhero family.

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