Chapter 2 ~ The Three Musketeers

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Chapter 2 ~ The Three Musketeers


Sapphire is looking for her partners in crime Bambi and Indigo. She wants to snoop around, the new dude and "Man Whore".


"Bambi wait up!" I shout seeing her, but being Bambi she starts running away, thinking that this is a game.

So like the complete idiot that I am, I start running down the crowd trying to catch up to Bambi who is laughing hysterically away from me, trying to catch up to her in my wedges. Which as you can imagine is not the smartest idea.

As I'm charging forward I collide with Indigo and Bambi who have ended up on the floor. "What the hell Bambi!" I exclaim, while trying to dust myself.

"Yeah what the hell is going on?" Questions Indigo, clearly flustered to why she was dragged into this mess.

"Mwhahahha" Laughs Bambi hysterically, clearly finding this a joke. While Indigo and I just give each other the why-are-we-friends-with-her 'look'.

"Well as I was going to tell Bambi, until she started running away from me, I was going to tell you something important!" I rant while, I try and get up.

"What?" Indigo and Bambi ask while trying to get up as well.

"Well you know Cocky Bastard..."I start off clearly forgetting that my friends have no idea what I'm talking about.

"Cocky Bastard?" They ask clearly confused.

"The new dude, anyways he is up to something and it involves man whore...." I start off before being interrupted again.

"Man Whore...." Questions Bambi again.

"You know who Man Whore is, Bambi." I say giving her the 'look'.

"Ohhhhh" She figures, finally shutting up.

"Back to the point, Man Whore is betting on Cocky Bastard and they are meeting up at a track tonight, I don't know where the track is, but we are going to find out. So I'm thinking we split up and the both of you follow Cocky Bastard, and I'll follow Man Whore."

"Okay, but why so serious Sapph?" Bambi cheekily asks.

"Shut up Bambi and keep an eye out for people trying to track you, because no one can find out what we are doing, because we are going to get in huge trouble if we do." I finish while we are walking towards our lockers, for the next period.

"Fine I'll shut up after this, but you shouldn't go alone, so how about we ask Cora..." Bambi questions, with Indigo also questioning the same thing.

"We are not and I repeat not going to tell her anything." I tell them seriously, knowing it would not end well if we did.

"Why?" Indigo asks confused.

"Well you know," I say turning around to look at her, "because she has the hots for Cocky Bastard." I finish, with Bambi nodding and saying "So it's a job for the three musketeers I guess." Bambi says while smiling.

"And this has to do with us how?" Indigo the wise one questions. While I look around finally realising we are alone in the hallway, and that class has already started.

"Guys meet up after school near Indigo's motorbike, okay." I say quickly while running towards my locker.

"Okay" They both say while all of us get are stuff and run to class, hoping not to get detention on the first day of school.

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