Chapter 16

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"You didn't come down for dinner." Your mom invited herself in and plopped down on your cluttered bed.

Large glasses framed your face and your hair was barely tamed with a hair tie that clutched onto the top of your scalp for dear life.

"I'll eat later." You say absent mindedly.

Sorting through stacks of papers, you checked off the last of the props bought for prom and added the expenses to the list so miss Park wouldn't have to do much when she gets back in a couple of days.

"I wish I had you around when I got married." Your mother snorts as she looks over all of your work.

"Grandmother didn't come down for dinner either. Is she doing okay? She's been acting a little weird. I was so convinced she was possessed I pretended to trip and spill holy water on her, she just called me a dumbass though." Your teeth nip at the end of your pen as you turn to your mom.

"Dude you too?" She looks to you surprised.

"I thought I was going crazy. The old bat will be completely fine with me at the store then she'll just shut down and demand me to take her home. The holy water didn't work so I chalked it up to menopause." Your mom looks at you with a calculating gaze.

A hum buzzed past your lips.

"Y/N." Your dad pokes his head in. "There's a boy here to see you." He says unamused.

You frown in confusion and your mom sports a huge grin and she jumps off of your bed in excitement.

"Oh is Jungkook paying you another visit?" She teases.

"It's a different boy this time." Your dads eyes meet yours and he looks ready to say something but he hesitates.

"Jin?" Your mom asks but your dad shakes his head.

Your mom in the hand is slightly taken back but still happy nonetheless.

"I'm pretty positive it's one of Jungkook's friends." You say, getting up, not wanting to spend another second looking at your mother's creepy smile and fathers solemn stare.

"When I said rebel, I meant spray paint a building, join a riot, go to an underground club, high speed chase, any one of those would've been acceptable. No boys." Your dad angrily whispered from behind you as you went downstairs.

Your mom whispered back to him but at this point you were out of their range.

You expected to find someone standing at the door but instead you found a body sitting in front of the door, scrolling through their phone.


He looked up. The both of you smiled at each other.

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