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Clink.... Clink.... Clink....

I awoke abruptly with a gasp to the sound of clinking metal. Strings of blue lights occasionally flew by, which were my main, and probably only, source of light.
I was surrounded by crates and boxes with four unfamiliar letters painted on them; W.C.K.D. Some even said 'property of W.C.K.D'.
What the hell does that mean?

My long light brown hair clung to my forehead from sweat.

Where the hell am I?

I quickly stood up, stumbling across the small, now identified metal cage.

A slither of light appeared above me, gradually getting bigger and bigger.

I'm gonna fucking crash! This is the end!

I fell back, my hands supporting me. Before I could go flying through the ceiling, a cloud of light blinded my eyes and the box screeched to a stop.

Shielding my eyes from the rays, I came to see a figure, a small feminine stance, standing above the crate I was in. They then proceeded to kneel down beside it looking down upon me. I was breathing abnormally heavily. The fear of the unknown getting to me.

I eyed them wearily, scooting over to the corner, just in case.

"Hello" said a female voice, "no need to be afraid"

"Who are you?" I called out, my voice surprising me since I didn't know how I sounded, now that I think about it, I don't remember anything.

She chuckled and proceeded to say, "I'm Rosa. Do you know your name?"

That's a scary thought...
I shook my head no.

"Hm," she hummed, "I'm sure it'll come back to you."

"Where am I?" I questioned.

"You can ask questions when you and the supplies we need are out that damned box. Deal?"

"Uh, Deal." I agreed, standing up slowly and grabbing one of the smaller boxes.

"So whats actually in these?" I asked, handing her a medium box that rattled.

"Basic supplies and stuff. Tools like axes, shovels, food aswell just enough... but also medical supplies, somethings bound to happen at some point. This is our monthly supply. We get scheduled weekly supplies." She answered, hoisting the boxes I was giving her.

"Is anyone else here?" I said, walking over the last box, which seemed to have a pig in it.

"You sure do ask alot of questions, don't you."

"Sorry I'm curious."

"It's good to be curious, anyway, no it's just us for what? like a month or so until apparently, hopefully, this box comes back up and a new person is sent up with it."

After the last box with the pig in it, she gave me her hand and hoisted me up.

Getting a good look at her, she had pale skin, shoulder length ginger hair, kind green eyes and freckles spotting her skin.

Now looking across this place, it was just an enclosed glade area with a forest that stretched out,it most likely had a lake somewhere too.

"Woah..." I mumbled.

"Hey, I like your accent, by the way."

" my accent?" I asked, slightly taken aback.

"Yeah, sounds almost, uh, British."

"Hmm" i hummed, " thats cool"

She lead me over to a small camp that was set up, she had obviously made this, it was just a hammock tied to two trees. Then proceeded to help me with my bed.

While we were making my hammock, my brain suddenly flooded with one word, which I mumbled;



"My name, it's Hannah."

"Oh," she said, tieing a knot at the side of the tree." Welcome Hannah." She beamed at me.

When we finished my bed and it was stable, we decided it was time for dinner, or at least food. As the sun began to set and a beautiful orange sunset filled the area, I settled down on a log as she went to fetch half a loaf of bread for each of us.

She threw it to me and sat on the log opposite.

"So," i began, biting into the bread, "do you know where we are exactly?"

"No, actually. But See those," she pointed to a small gap in the towering wall covered in ivy. I nodded. "Thats a doorway, I don't know where to, but theres four of them, one on each side. A different side opens each day, and it's a rule to not go out there, not us anyway."

"Maybe we could manage to get out there. Maybe if we find volunteers, quick ones, to explore whatever's out there."
I heard the thud of the stone door closing just like Rosa said, " I'm guessing to be able to search what ever the hells out there, we're gonna need some patient chaps, fast so they don't get stuck out there."

"I guess so" she said fiddling with the white fabric of her shirt. She had grey shorts on and lace up walking boots.

I wore similar, except my shirt was burgundy and 3/4 length and i had trousers on.

" this is so crazy" I mumbled.

" totally. I wonder why we were sent here. I mean, there has to be a reason" she said as she finished her bread.

"There must be a reason."

"Do you think we need a name for this place?" She asked suddenly.

"Yeah, yeah that could make it more friendly. What were you thinking?"

"I don't know." She admitted. " something cute like ' the meadow'" she gestured around with jazz hands.

My lips turned up into a smirk as i eyed her with playful, giggly eyes.

She caught on and began laughing, mumbling a " i dont know" in there.

I began laughing as well and sighed as it died down. " how about something like 'the prairie'"

"Hm." She smiled, still chuckling lightly. " yeah, i like it. Welcome to the Prairie, Hannah." She said smiling like a fool at me.

"Welcome to the Prairie, Rosa." I said, with an equally goofy smile.

"Right Hannah. It's getting late, we should get some rest, work starts tomorrow."

"Alright," i said, walking to my hammock. " good night Rosa."


My eyes burst open from my peaceful slumber by a terrible screeching sound coming from the wall area.

"You heard it too," I heard from my left side. I nodded.

"It's some sort of monster, I think. I'm guessing it roams that maze at night."

"Maze?" I croaked out. She nodded back.

"I got curious first day I got here and adventured into there, wasn't pleasant, thick atmosphere and all. Sorry I lied."

I yawned deeply, sighing. Shaking off lie.
"This place is bonkers" I mumbled.

"Definitely" i heard whispered back.

" 'night"
After that I fell asleep.


After a month in the Prairie, we had talked, laughed and worked. Deciding on different jobs, for example; the Meds, who will attend medical care, or cooks who, well cook.

Then there came the rules:

• Don't harm anyone.

•Don't go into the maze unless it's your job.

•learn to trust one another.

Once those other girls began to appear, Rosa became Head-Commander and I became second-in-command. Which is not too bad if i do say so myself.

Hannah | Maze RunnerWhere stories live. Discover now