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Kwan Soonyoung.
Your average boy.
Crazy about all things supernatural. 
A bit of a nerd/geek with books.


"Hey, have you heard about that new kid that started here?" Joshua sat down next to his friends.

"Who? That Lee Jihoon?" Jeonghan rolled his eyes. 

"Apparently he's a bit of a freak." Dino laughed.

"Guaranteed." Mingyu nodded.

"Apparently he keeps getting a load of attention from everyone." Jeonghan ran his and through his mid-neck length black hair, shaking his head.

Seungkwan threw his scrunched up napkin across the table at Soonyoung,  who was deeply absorbed into another book.

"What?" Soonyoung looked up.

Seungkwan shook his head. "We're talking about that new kid, Jihoon. Apparently he's small but hot."

Soonyoung laughed. "I've heard he started.  Got fangirls already. When did he start, anyway?"
He put his book into his bag.

Seokmin laughed "A couple of weeks ago. Apparently he hang about with Vernon and Seungcheol."

Both Seungkwan and Jeonghan's head shot up at the mention of the two names, making Minghao laugh.

"You two are so love struck by those two, it's unbelievable."

Seungkwan looked down,  his face reddening, whilst Jeonghan  just flipped his hair.

"That's true. But can you blame us? Seungcheol is fucking hot and I know Seungkwan thinks the same for Vernon." Jeonghan gave Minghao a sassy look, making the whole table break out into laughter. 

"Backing to what Soonyoung said, Jihoon was in my math class this morning, almost all the girls and and a couple of the guys were swooning over him like moths to a flame." Joshua laughed,  rolling his eyes. 

"What is it with people eight attracted to the newbies?" Wonwoo laughed.

"Pfft, you were the same when Mingyu started here. Giving him the heart eyes everytime he wasn't looking." BamBam laughed as he walked past the table.

"That's true." Dino gave a small giggle.

"You did what now?" Mingyu gave Wonwoo a sightly playful seductive look.

Wonwoo straightened up, determined to save his dignity. 

"Much like you when you met Jackson then?"

BamBam gave a small scowl before chucking and walking off.

Jeonghan hyped up slightly as he looked over to the door.
"Jihoon's over there! Vernon too!"

Soonyoung turned around and looked at Vernon before looking to the smaller guy who was obviously Jihoon.

"Dark clothes, pale skin. Vampire detected."

Seokmin hit his head on the table and groaned in response.
"For the last time. Vampires. Aren't.  Real."

Soonyoung shrugged. "Believe what you like." He eyed Jihoon again before turning back around.  God he IS attractive. Very attractive.

Seungkwan, meanwhile was staring at Vernon, proving Minghao's comment on being love-struck. 

One of Dino's friends, Yugyeom,  had been watching from a distance, he took this opportunity to creep up behind Seungkwan and scare him.



Both Yugyeom's yell and Seungkwan's yelp of fright overlapped.

"Vernon's looking this way." Jeonghan laughed.

Seungkwan looked in Vernon's direction, making eye contact for a second before looking down, his face going bright red.

Soonyoung cleared his throat.
"Yugyeom.  You're smart, do you think Jihoon could be a vampire?"

Yugyeom let out a laugh. "You've only seen the damn kid once and you're already all up on your vampire theories again?"

Soonyoung huffed. "He's giving me that weird vibe!"

Yugyeom rolled his eyes. "Like Mark did." He laughed.

"As well as Vernon and Seungcheol." Minghao reminded.

Sighing in defeat,  Soonyoung got up. "Whatever, guys. I'm going to class."

As he stood up and walked away,  he glanced sideways and caught Jihoon's eye. He shook his head and continuted walking. He could feel Jihoon's eyes burning into the back of his head, making him shiver.

Once in class, Soonyoung sat down in his usual chair.

I still think each one of them is a vampire. Especially Jihoon. And I'm going to prove it.

He looked up as the door slammed open and none other than Jihoon walked in...

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