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Soonyoung sighed, pacing around his room. He couldn't stop thinking about what Jihoon had said. 

"If you want to prove it to your friends, fine,  messing about is going to be fun."

What did Jihoon mean by that? Worse, what was Jihoon going to do to him?

Soonyoung shivered slightly,  going over to his bed and sitting down. He picked up his book and led down, trying to take his mind off of things to do with Jihoon for as long as possible.


As soon as lunch hit the next day,  Junhui went over to Soonyoung,  staring at him until he looked up.

"W-why are you staring at me like that?" Soonyoung shifted uncomfortably, to which Junhui sat down opposite him.

"I was just wondering what happened yesterday.  Talk of the school is the new kid pinned you to the wall or some shit?"

Soonyoung chuckled. "He kinda heard me talking about him being a vampire or something..."

Junhui rolled his eyes.  "Again with the vampire theories. You need to stop reading so many paranormal books." He laughed.

"Then he came over and whispered..." Soonyoung shook his head.  "...Ah, nevermind."

Junhui gave Soonyoung a weird look, glancing up as the Minghao,  Seokmin and Joshua came over. 

"Jun Hyung!" Minghao ran over, giving a tight hug before sitting down and cuddling up to Junhui.

Seokmin groaned. "Get a room, you two."

Joshua laughed "Oh come on, Seokie,  it's not like they're making out infront of us."

"Thank fuck." Seokmin muttered, rolling his eyes.

Jeonghan turned his attention to Soonyoung.  "So what exactly was it that Jihoon whispered to you yesterday,  you were dead silent for most of the day after."

Soonyoung gave a nervous laugh. "Aish, i-it was nothing really. He just thinks I'm an idiot."

Jeonghan rolled his eyes. "Sure."

Dino came speeding over. 
"Soonyounggg! I thought you said Jihoon had bite marks on his neck!  There's nothing there! I've just seen him." He sat down,  looking at little sad.

Joshua put his arm around the maknae. "We did try to tell you it wasn't real."

Soonyoung shook his head.  "I'm sorry, Chan. I'll find a way to prove it."

Seokmin banged his head on the table for the second day in a row. "Good luck with that."


In class, Soonyoung felt the same burning sensation in the back of his head.  Jihoon was watching him again.

He's out to get me...I can tell...

Soonyoung slowly turned around and made eye contact with Jihoon, who stared at him for a solid few seconds before giving a smile.

That's odd...

Soonyoung frowned for a moment  before noticing something. Jihoon had fangs...

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