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Soonyoung's eyes widened.

I knew it!

After class, Soonyoung rushed over to Wonwoo and Mingyu.

"Guys, guys!" His voice lowered to a whisper and as reached them.

"Jihoon has fangs! Like, vampire teeth!" Soonyoung's voice was full of excitement.

Mingyu glanced behind him.
"Hate to break your bubble of excitement but they were fake teeth..." He nodded behind Soonyoung.

Soonyoung turned around to see Jihoon putting a pot containing 2 little fang shapped items in his locker. He sighed.

"You're never going to give up, are you?" Wonwoo laughed.

"I'm never gonna give up. I'm going to prove it." Soonyoung rolled his eyes.


As Soonyoung was walking down a local alleyway to get home, he began unintentionally thinking about Jihoon.

That kid sure is intimidating
But I can see why everyone was all over him He really is extremely attractive...

"Soonyoung! I've been calling you for the past 10 minutes!"

Soonyoung turned around. 
"Sorry, Chan. I was a little... lost in thought..." Soonyoung gave a chuckle.

"It's cool. Mind if I walk home with you?" Dino laughed. 

Soonyoung ruffled the younger's hair, shaking his head.  The two walked home, talking about the possibilities of Jihoon being a vampire. 


Soonyoung was in the toilets, washing his hands when the door slammed closed behind him.

"Well hello there, if it isn't Kwon Soonyoung..."


Soonyoung turned around slowly, unable to speak.

Jihoon's eyes were a yellowy brown, his skin extremely pale. He was smirking widely, his fangs visible.  He began walking towards Soonyoung.

"What's wrong?  Cat got your tongue now you know the truth?" Jihoon gave a sly smile.

Soonyoung backed away until he was against the wall, Jihoon infront of him. There was no where to run. "J-Jihoon...I..."

"Shhhh..." Jihoon's voice came out a low, shushing hum, he leaned closer to Soonyoung and began kissing his neck roughly.

"W-what are you...mm...doing?" Soonyoung tensed, a small, shy moan escaping his lips.  He was terrified, yet the way Jihoon was kissing his neck felt...extremely good...

"I'm doing what I came here to do..." Jihoon's voice was still low. But then Soonyoung felt it. A prick in the side of his neck, the feeling of blood being drained from him...

Soonyoung woke with a start, sitting upright. Dreams about vampires weren't out of the ordinary for him. But dreams of Jihoon. Being the vampire. Kissing his neck. Making Soonyoung moan.

What the fuck.

What the FUCK was going on?

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