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"You've been quiet all lunch. What's going on?" Jeonghan elbowed Soonyoung,  making him jump.

"Oh...nothing. Just lost in thought, I guess." Soonyoung looked down.

"Hyunngggg talk to us!" Dino whined, looking at the elder.

"I just... I had a weird dream and it's bugging me." Soonyoung mumbled.

It wasn't just a dream. It felt real. Soonyoung thought to himself. He could still feel the warmth of  Jihoon's breath. Jihoon's lips on his neck. The teeth sinking into him. Before he knew it, he was deep in thought again. Remembering each aspect of the dream.

"Soonyoung?" Jeonghan jerked Soonyoung out of thought again.

"Yeah?" Soonyoung looked up.

Jeonghan pointed over Soonyoung's shoulder, causing him to turn around.

Soonyoung made direct eye contact with Jihoon, who gave a wide, smile, it seemed either sinister. Or seductive...

Soonyoung whipped back around in his seat and looked down, tense. He could feel his face was burning red.

What's happening to me? There's no way Jihoon is gonna mess with me like he said, right

"Awww, Soonyoung's gone reddddd!!" Joshua giggled, teasing his friend.

Soonyoung lay his head on the table. Jihoon was in his head all of the time.

Jihoon walked past with Vernon and Seungcheol. He didn't say anything to any of the other members, only walked past, reaching out his hand to squeeze Soonyoung's shoulder, whispering to him.

"Locker room. 10 minutes.  Don't be late." Jihoon smirked as he walked off.

Soonyoung remained with his head on the table, tensed, his heart racing. What could Jihoon possibly want? 


10 minutes passed and Soonyoung sat up slightly.  "I'll be back in a second." He stood up and slowly walked in the direction of the locker room.

As he got to the door, a hand grabbed his wrist and pulled him inside, the door slammed behind him and within a second he was pushed against the wall.

"Think I'm not gonna mess with you, huh?" Jihoon looked up at Soonyoung with narrow eyes.

"Wanna see how bad I can mess you up?" He leaned up closer, his body now pressed against Soonyoung's.

"J-ihoon...w-what are you..." Soonyoung stuttered trying to keep his heart beat [and hormones ;) ] under control.

Jihoon pressed a finger against Soonyoung's lips.
"Keep quiet." He leaned closer, placing a couple of rough kisses on Soonyoung's neck, causing Soonyoung to bite his life slightly.

Soonyoung was determined not to give into Jihoon. But part of him wanted to. To see how much Jihoon could really mess him up. Part of him wanted to be messed up.

"Playing hard? Fine then." Jihoon pulled Soonyoung's shirt down a little, exposing his left collarbone. He looked up at the elder with a little smirk before dipping his head, kissing along the collarbone until...


There it was. He'd found Soonyoung's sensitive spot. Now to drive Soonyoung utterly insane. He took a breath before sucking on the skin of Soonyoungs sensitive spot sucking harder each time. 

By this point, Soonyoung was a bit of a mess,  whimpering a little at each suck. He thought back to the dream which instantly made him let out a slightly louder whimper. He couldn't control how he was feeling. 

Jihoon moved back, looking at the mark he had made and smirking up at Soonyoung. "Now do you believe my messing?" He chuckled, looking Soonyoung up and down before walking out of the room, leaving Soonyoung to process what had just happened...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2019 ⏰

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