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It was around a week after the royal cotillion, and preparations had begun to welcome more villain kids to Auradon. Ben was just in his little office, and he soon heard a knock at his door.

"Come on in" Ben called, not looking up from the papers he was filling out. The door opened and Jay entered. He had his signature red beanie on his head, of course his leather jacket too.

"Hey Ben." he said as he walked fully into the room. Ben looked up from his paperwork and smiled slightly.

"Jay. What can I do for you?"

"Well I was wondering. Dizzy is coming over from the Isle in a few days, right?" Jay asked.

"Yes, and my guards have mentioned how ecstatic she was when she was asked," Ben replied. "Why do you ask?"

"I have a friend over on the Isle..." Jay began. "And I was wondering... if he could be given a chance here too."

"It's a bit of a short notice..." Ben said thoughtfully. "But I'm sure I could work something out. Who is he?"

"Greyson. The son of Mother Gothel." Jay said. "He was a good friend." Ben wrote this down on a slip of paper.

"Any idea where he might be found?"

"His mother has a hazelnut soup shop that he works at. He's usually there." Jay explained. Ben finished scribbling down the location and looked up from the paper.

"I'll send this off later today" he promised.

"Thank you." Jay nodded.

"Anything else?" Ben asked.

"No that's it." Jay said, walking towards the door.

"Bye" Ben called out.

"Bye." Jay waved a little, exiting the room and closing the door behind him.


"MOTHER" shouted Greyson Gothel, stomping into the room, a decree crumpled in his hands. "Why the fuck did you agree FOR ME to go to this peppy-ass place?" You could almost see the smoke coming out of his ears in anger.

"Actually, Greyson," Maleficent, who he hadn't noticed when he entered in his fit of anger, making him stand up straight and freeze. "It was me who convinced your mother to make you go to Auradon." She stood up and placed a long-nailed hand on the frozen teen's shoulder coming up behind him.

"Why, Greyson. This is a good thing." Gothel replied, sitting on a red velvet chair and looking at her son. "Maleficent has an excellent idea." Maleficent dragged the teen and sat him on a chair, taking the opposite one his mother next to him. 

"See, I know that Jay is your partner in crime, and that you and my daughter used to be... " Maleficent paused. "Romantic..." she spat that word out, "With each other. But they simply aren't the same people anymore. They've been corrupted by Auradon and all its goodness. And now..." she said a bit more excitedly. "We have an opportunity to get them back," she looked right into his eyes. "Don't you want that?"

"Well yeah but--" Greyson started. "Then it's settled. You will go to Auradon and restore my daughter and her... friends... and bring them back home where they belong."

"Don't fail us Greyson." Gothel said. "You'll be back here in no time."

"How should I do it?" He asked, knowing full well that going against these two women would be fruitless. Maleficent sighed and gestured at Gothel to explain.

"You're mischievous." Gothel began. "You will pull pranks and frame them for it. Do anything you can to make it seem like they are returning to their evil ways. Do not let your past friendship with Jay get in the way of your mission. Make them all miss life on the Isle. Make them want to come home." she explained. "You are rotten to the core. Make Mal, Evie, Jay and Carlos remember that."

"Yes mother." Grey nodded. "I will not let you down."

"You better not" Maleficent grumbled.

"Good. And remember," Gothel cleared her throat. "Motheerrr knows best." she sang, gesturing to herself.

"Of course she does" Greyson grumbled. 

[𝟔] 𝐈 𝐇𝐀𝐓𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔, 𝐈 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔 ( descendants ) [✔️]Where stories live. Discover now