Twenty One

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Raelynn wandered off outside to find more people to say goodbye to before she would find Grey.

"Oi, Punzie's daughter!" a Scottish voice called. Rae turned her head to see Mal, Evie, Jay, Maddie, Carlos and Cecilia stood in a group.

"Hey Rae." Mal waved. Rae walked over to the group of them and joined their little circle, stood opposite to Carlos.

"Hey guys." she smiled.

"Rae!" Evie said running up and hugging her. Carlos stood back a bit.

"Evie!" Rae hugged Evie back. "I don't think you've ever been this excited to see me and we're saying goodbye in like ten minutes."

"Well once you come back you won't be hanging out with us that much anymore." Evie said.

"What? Of course I will, you're my friends." Rae pulled back and looked at Evie slightly confused.

"You'll be too busy making out with a certain someone to hang out with your friends." Evie winked.

"No!" Rae's cheeks immediately went red. "Shut up." she looked down at the floor.

"Well she's not wrong." Mal shrugged. "Same thing happened with Jay when he started with Maddie sooooo..."

"I still hang out with you guys." Jay said defensively.

"Well I didn't mean to steal you away, did I Muscles?" Maddie commented. Jay just rolled his eyes.

"Guys I told you nothing is happening." Rae laughed a little.

"Yeah right," scoffed Evie.

"I agree with her." said Carlos and Ceci simultaneously.

"Jeez what put you all against me?" Rae said. "I'm not going to abandon you for him. No way."

"It keeps happening though" said Carlos. He stepped forward in front of Rae.

"No it doesnnnnn'tt." Rae protested. "I'm with you guys all the time."

"Yes it does" Ceci said.

"Even my best friend is against me now. Wow thanks guys." Rae laughed. "But seriously, nothing is going to happen." Suddenly, there was a rather loud honk behind her. Rae jumped forward at the unexpected honk... and fell right into Carlos, to the point that their lips were touching. There was a sudden flash too. Carlos immediately pushed her away and wiped his mouth. "Oh my god Carlos I'm so sorry!" Rae exclaimed, stumbling backwards slightly. She fell back, prepared to fall onto a car, but landed on the ground. Whatever caused the honk was gone. Suddenly all of their phones beeped. Mal took hers out and her eyes widened.

"Ohhhhhh no." she said.

"What?" Rae asked, still sat on the floor. There was another honk behind the gang. Grey, who had been MIA until that point, came behind the gang with a scowl. He'd seen what had happened... well partly and was now seeing it again on his phone.

"Guys what's going on?" Rae asked. Mal held out her hand to help Rae up.

"I think your boytoy saw..." Maddie said, pointing behind her at Grey.

"Are you ready to go?" Grey asked, unable to keep all the anger out of his tone.

"What?" Rae looked back at the group. "Grey, why are you so-"

"Just look at the school's gossip page, Rae." Jay commented. Rae took her phone out and finally saw it. A picture of her and Carlos' accidental kiss, captioned with 'Awhhh, how cute! A goodbye kiss'.

"Grey... it's not. It wasn't... I got scared and fell." Rae said, stuttering.

"Sure. Look it doesn't matter." Grey said. He pointed at a car. "Your dad is here." Rae sighed and turned around.

"Bye guys..." she mumbled, and they all waved. Rae slowly walked away, dragging her suitcase and frying pan behind her. Grey was pale as he approached the car.

"Grey I swear... it was an accident..." Rae muttered as she threw her suitcase into the car. Grey said nothing as he put his backpack in the trunk.

"Fine. Don't believe me." Rae sighed, opening the door and getting into the car.

[𝟔] 𝐈 𝐇𝐀𝐓𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔, 𝐈 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔 ( descendants ) [✔️]Where stories live. Discover now