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"HELP!" Grey yelled as Rae went unconscious. The maid that Rapunzel had referred to as Matilda walked into the room.

"Goodness! What happened?" she exclaimed. Grey looked up.

"Blood loss, she got too many scratches and lost too much blood. I tried to bandage her up but..." Matilda took one look at Rae unconscious and bleeding out.

"I'll call an ambulance!" she rushed out of the room. Matilda came back in a few minutes later.

"The ambulance will be here soon... her parents are meeting you there at the hospital."

"Good." he said, looking worriedly at Rae.

"You really like her don't you?" Matilda said quietly.

"Yes..." he whispered and turned to Matilda, eyes a bit teary. "I do."
"She'll be okay." Matilda said reassuringly.

"I hope so" he said and then his ears picked up on an awful sound "What the fuck is that"

"Sirens. Of the ambulance." Matilda said quickly, leaving the room again.

"Rae, flower, hold on." Grey muttered, leaning down and kissing Rae's cold, scratched cheek.  All of a sudden three paramedics, two holding a stretcher and one just running burst into the room. They inspected Rae, taking her pulse and doing other things.

"She's unconscious and losing blood. We're blue lighting her, get her on the stretcher now." the paramedic said. Another came rushing in and two lifted Rae onto the stretcher and carried her out. A paramedic turned to Grey.

"Are you accompanying her in the ambulance sir?" she asked.

"Yes." he answered immediately and stood up, following them out. Outside, Rae was being lifted into the ambulance. A paramedic was talking to Matilda and the paramedic with Grey lead him to the ambulance.

"What is your relationship to the patient?" another paramedic asked before Grey could get into the ambulance.

"She's my... girlfriend." Grey explained. "Let me in." The paramedic nodded and moved out of the way so Grey could get in. Once he was in, the doors were slammed shut and soon enough the ambulance started to move. There was a male paramedic in the back of the ambulance with Grey, trying to patch up Rae as much as she could. Rae started to stir slowly. The sirens had also started again.

"Is she going to be ok?" Grey asked anxiously. The paramedic looked up at Grey and nodded.

"She will be."

"Wh..." Rae muttered groggily. Grey moved aside as a paramedic began to analyse her face. The paramedic kept glancing downwards while he was examining Rae.

"Hey!" Grey exclaimed, grabbing the man's shoulder and pulling him back. "Look at her chest one more time, and you will regret being born. There are no cuts there." he said loudly.

"Okay dude chill out..." the paramedic stepped back.

"Don't look at her chest then." Grey crossed his arms.

"Just doing my job and checking the extent of the injuries." the paramedic shrugged.

"Wh-what's g-goi..." Rae tried to speak, but she was slipping in and out of consciousness. "G-Grey?" Rae said quietly, trying to lift her head.

"Miss, you need to stay down." the paramedic quickly made Rae lay back down.

"W-who are you? Wh-where..." she trailed off again, her eyes closing.

"Rae, flower, I'm right here." Grey said going to her other side. Rae's eyes opened again.

"G-Grey... w-what..." she winced. "Ow..."

[𝟔] 𝐈 𝐇𝐀𝐓𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔, 𝐈 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔 ( descendants ) [✔️]Where stories live. Discover now