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"..and he's disappeared off again!" Harry roared in the common room. Hermione rolled her eyes. Why could the boy do nothing better but stalk Malfoy? "Where does he go off to?"

"Who CARES, Harry? Honestly!"

"Oh! There he is! On the 7th floor. Hermione! go get him!"

"What!? Why me?"

"Lie and say you're on prefect duty, of course."

"Dont be ridiculous"

"Hermione, please!" She looked at him long and hard.

"IF I do, will you shut up about it?"


10 Minutes later she was off in the corridor, with the map, trying to locate a boy who was prone to 'disappearing' Draco walked quietly through the corridors, trying not to attract attention.

Several times he thought he heard someone behind him, but on turning round, saw nothing. Finally, sensing a fleeting shadow out of the corner of his eye, he was determined to catch whoever his stalker was, he didn't realize in following his stalker that he had almost come in a full circle. Turning a corner, he slipped behind a column, and waited for whoever was following him to come into view. Hermione turned the corner, and walked right into the boy she was supposed to find. Both of them exclaimed in pain at the same time, Draco even fell down.

Draco quickly tried to recover from his surprise, smoothing out his facial expression.

"..Granger!" he said.

Rubbing her forehead and coming back into sense she pulled her wand out.

"Where have you been?"

"I hardly think that's a concern of yours," he replied with a smirk.

"I'm more curious to find out why /you/ were stalking /me/."

"As if. I'm on prefect duty, Malfoy." He rolled his eyes.

"Why are you sitting in front of the r-Why are you sitting there?" she tried again

He thought for a moment, but didn't let it show "Crabbe and Goyle refuse to climb to the 7th floor and I needed to get away from them"

"Why?" she asked again, she was unsure if she should sit next to him

"If you're around that amount of stupidity, you'd know you need to get away from them" She nodded, and decided to go for it. She sat down next to him. He winced inside, he had to get into the room and complete the task

"So what are you actually doing?"

"Erm...actually, I just needed some time to think." she blushed. she couldn't think of a better lie. She knew the prefect duty was no longer valid now that she was sitting next to him.

"And you thought sitting next to your enemy was going to help?" he rolled his eyes, still trying to get her away without being suspicious.

"If you're around that amount of obsession, you'd know you need to get away." she said

He looked at her confused "obsession of what?"

"Believe me, you don't want to know." she shook her head

"Oh yes I do" he said. She was aware she had his full attention.

She shook her head again. "What were you just up to?" she didn't want to be here for any longer than she was required to be.

"I told you - I was just thinking" he shrugged

"I don't believe you."

"And why not?" he asked exasperated
"You're up to no good..."

Dramione One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now