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Hermione fell in his arms unconsciously due to her pains. Draco placed her head in his chest and cried like a child. Then he slowly laid her in the ground and hurried outside the dungeons.

It was their fourth year in Hogwarts and Draco could feel the punch from Hermione the last year end. Not as a grudgeful thought but he felt the skin of Hermione hand touching his face. After he received the punch he couldn't sleep the whole night as his thoughts were filled by her. He wished he could be in Gryffindor and be good with her or at least to be nice to her for the past two years.

When he arrived in the kings cross station on September first for their fourth year he was eagerly waiting secretly to see her. He watched her coming with Harry, Ron, Bill, Charlie and Molly. He stared at her eagerly for few minutes secretly.

Hermione felt like someone is watching behind her and she turned back and saw Draco looking at her. When he got her sight he quickly changed his face as he usually looks at her. But Hermione cleverness doubted it. This was not the usual behavior of Malfoy. She could clearly say that something changed him this year. She also noticed him glancing over her during the dinner. This is not normal to her and thought she is going to find out soon.

The triwizard tournament started and the secret glance of Draco has not stopped and Hermione too didn't miss that. He pretended to hate her in front of others even to her. But in his inner heart he has already started to love and he is so cowardly to accept that and also had the fear of Hermione rejecting him.

One day Draco got Hermione alone in the library preparing for her potions essay. He looked around the library for anyone and conformed there was no one and he started to stare at her. Suddenly disturbed by his glance Hermione turned to his side and looked at him in a annoying way and approached near him. As she came close to him Draco cheeks blushed and his hands started to shake and sweat covered his palms.

"Do you think that I don't know about your weird glances at me from the start of the year, Malfoy?" she asked him in a tone mixed with angry and sarcastic.

He stood silently and his took a look in her eyes.

"What do you want from me?" She asked now a tone of anger in her voice.

Again he stood silently without any replying to her question.

"Then fine I'm leaving now and stop looking at me like that hereafter otherwise you will get a worst hex from me"- she said and turned to leave and suddenly he caught her wrist in his hands and said "Then hex me the whole day for I can't control myself watching you."

Hermione froze at him and looked petrified. She felt that moment like a dream and stood still until Draco started to shake her shoulders. Shocked by his statement Hermione started to run from the library to her dormitory. Sleep didn't come easily to her. She never expected such a thing from him and she never told this to either Harry or Ron.

Next day they had the potions class together. She saw him standing in the corner and brewing his potion. He looked pale and terrified and didn't dare to take his eyes from the cauldron. She glanced at him once and he caught her eyes seeing him and he didn't miss the blush in her cheeks. When the class over she left a note in her place and looked at him to take the note after everyone leave the room.

When everyone left the room he hurried to her place to find a note "meet me in the trophies room at 11"

He waited for her in the trophies room and she arrived there without disturbing Filch and Norris. He was excited to see her and slowly walked towards her and he stopped when she asked stop with her hands.

"I thought you won't come and tricked me to take revenge for the first year incident"- said Draco smiling in the corners of his mouth.

"Why you want me to see here at this time" he continued

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