Inheritance and Marriage

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Draco glared at his father. He was just as stubborn as Lucius, if not more so. He would get his way, eventually, he knew. But he never said his father would be easy to break either.

"Let me marry who I want," he said again. It wasn't a request; it was a command. Draco had spent all his life living by their, his parents,' rules and for once he wanted to do what he wanted to do. He wanted to do what his heart wanted him to do.

"Draco, be reasonable!" his mother pleaded from somewhere behind his father. She was always behind his father, whether backing his decisions or just not speaking her mind.

"I won't accept handling the Malfoy's affairs or estates unless I can marry who I want," Draco repeated firmly. He wasn't giving in; his parents would agree or he'd be poor. "I mean, unless you want Nymphadora Tonks – excuse me, Nymphadora "Tonks" Lupin – to take over as head of the Malfoy family when you're gone. And make no mistake, Father, sooner or later you will die. Everyone does, and you are not immortal."

His father turned white with rage. He knew his son was right, and he knew his son had intentional brought up his mortality, something he hated to face. "Draco, I will not have that... that Mudblood a Malfoy!"

Draco laughed. "Father, really what choice do you have?" He stopped laughing and his voice turned deadly, "And don't call her a Mudblood. Her name's Hermione."

The words hung in their air that was already heavy with threat and anger.

"Damn it," his father muttered, obviously relenting.

"Now, do I inherit nothing and Tonks gets it all, or do I get to marry her?"

His father angrily, and reluctantly nodded.

"Good," Draco smiled. "Now I get to bring my wife-to-be home. Hermione Malfoy, doesn't that have such a nice ring to it?"

Intentionally, Draco left Malfoy Manor whistling.


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8th June 2018


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