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"How is it that you're able to make me question everything they ever taught me?" he asked.

"How is it that a filthy fucking Mudblood can make my blood boil, make the very ground I stand upon quack with a simple glance, and my heart beat a thousand miles per hour as if it was the only thing it was equipped to do?"

Draco managed to keep his anger in check while he stopped pacing in front of her. In a blind of an eye he was in front of her, sizing her up and looking her straight in the eye as he breathed in deeply and let it out.

That was a good question because Hermione had a difficult time understanding what he did to her.

She let out a breath, looked right back at him and whispered," You do the same thing to me. Questioning, I mean."

If her statement was any more challenging, she hadn't realized it then.

Draco's delicate fingers came to stroke the very curve of her cheek. "And, what do I make you question?"

It took her a minute to answer, but when she did her heart skipped so many beats that all she could do was say one word.

"Everything," she breathed.


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5th June 2018


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