Chapter 3

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Marcus held the ball in his left hand and moved it to his right, while you watched his every move.
He moved to the right and you moved in sync with him.
You stole the ball with a blink of a eye and shot the ball getting 2 points.
He smirked at you as his eyes went dark again.
You moved the hair that was in your face behind your  ear.
You dribble the ball towards his direction and when he went to grab it you moved to the opposite direction.
You got trapped between his chest.
You looked up into his dark eyes and he smirked. You 
Admired his beautiful sculptured face.
His pink lips which he licked. Looking back to his eyes, you saw a drop of sweat fall from the tip of his hard to the top of his lips.
You could feel his hot breath on your face as you pushed him a little and ran pasted him.
Remembering what ivanita had said

Don't fall for him,, he'll do what he does best....hurt you.

You shook your head and shot the ball on the 3-point line. Everyone clapped and you came out of your thoughts.

Everyone was watching omg I didn't even noticed it felt like it was only me and Marcus...

You thought to yourself.
"Aye nice job Caysee!" You heard some dudes say.
"YAY CAYSEE!" Ivanita yelled.
You smiled and Marcus approached you.
"Hey nice job!" He said while blushing.
"Thanks you did pretty good yourself" you said pushing him playfully.
You both laughed and hugged.
You could seem his Cologne it filled your nose and made you smile. You felt his hard chest give off heat to your body.
His breath hit your neck and gave you chills.
You both pulled away and looked deep into each others eyes.
You didn't realize how close you two were only inches apart from his face.
You felt someone pull your arm, it was ivanita. She pulled you into a big hug as she congratulated you.
You smiled at her and turned around not seeing Marcus gone.
The bell rang for lunch as you heard them waking down the hall.

***at lunch***
You sat with ivanita and Lucas.
"So how has it been so far Caysee?" Lucas asked
"Pretty good!" You smiled with a big smile.
"That's good!" Ivanita said grabbing Lucas hand.
You sat in-front of the two of them.
You soon felt someone sit next to you... it was Marcus.
Being real you didn't mind him there at all.
"Well imma go the the restroom,, Caysee would you like to join!?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.
"No I'm fine" you said knowing she only left because of Marcus.
"Okay" she said walking away quickly.
"So Lucas what are we gonna do after school?!"
"Bro I don't know what your gonna do because I'm hanging out with ivanita after. Maybe you can hang out with Emma."
Marcus looked angry and looked over to you and then quickly looking away noticing he had just made eye contact with you.
"Bro I told you we were done 2 weeks ago!" Marcus said turning red.
"Yeah, yeah you said that about Loren, Kayla, and Emily. But you still went back to them!" Lucas said
"Imma get a soda marcus maybe you should just go hang with Steve."
Lucas walked away leaving you and Marcus alone.
It was completely awkward and Silent until Marcus spoke.
"Hey sorry for being a jerk to you and saying your good at basketball for a girl." Marcus said rubbing the back of his neck.
"It-s okay, but remember I still beat you!" You said pushing him with your shoulder.
You both laughed.
"Well see ya around babygirl" he said with a wink.
You blushed and went back to eating your pizza.
Ivanita came back and sat in front of you.
"What did he say!?" She asked
"Nothing really he just said sorry for being a jerk!" You smiled.
"He did what?! Marcus never says sorry!! To anyone not even his twin bro!!" She said surprised.
"Really?" You asked
She nodded.
***end of the day***
Your mom came and picked you up and you told her about your day.... except the whole Marcus part.
You came home and laid flat on your bed thinking about Marcus.
Everything about him was so perfect you just couldn't get him off your mind.
You thought about what ivanita told you that he never apologizes and you were so shocked.

If he never apologizes to anyone then why me? What does this mean....

You thought to yourself as you fell asleep...
Hey guys! Thanks so much for reading I had fun writing this because I personally love basketball and Marcus used to play it! So it's something I can relate on and I loved that I got to write about it!! I hope you enjoyed,, be sure to comment and vote! I love you guyss !!💕

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