Chapter 20

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It's been a couple weeks since the fight and you haven't had any more problems with Emma.
She didn't even dare to look at Marcus.
As the weeks passed by you and Marcus grew closer and closer.
Both mentally and physically.
You were happy to have met him.
And you finally had the nerve to tell Marcus why you moved to Maryland.
The reason was because your dad was accused of rape.
But it wasn't him it was his sick brother who raped an innocent 12 year old.
When your dad was first convicted you didn't know what to believe it really fucked with you.
After your father was proven innocent and his brother was Guilty, you guys had to move away from all the craziness, not to mention all the hate your family got.
The word "rapist" spray painted on your garage door.
The hateful mail people sent and worse of all the bully's at your school.
It was so bad you had to get homeschooled for 3 months and thankfully summer came and you stayed in your room.
You lost all your friends all your family and most of all everything.
When you told Marcus he was super understanding which was on thing you really loved about him so much.
It was super hard for your dad to get a job after that  but he managed to get a new and better paying one.
You were super thankful to meet ivanita, Lucas, and especially Marcus.
But through these pass weeks you've been a little sick.
You have been vomiting every morning and you never felt like yourself.

**back to now**

You woke up and ran straight to the bathroom vomiting once again.
You flushed and walked out sitting on your bed.
You started to think about what this could mean. You googled it and the first thing that popped up was "pregnancy".
Your eyes widened just from the thought of it.
Not that you didn't want a kid it's just you were so young and had so much life ahead of you.
You also thought about Marcus that maybe he wouldn't accept the baby.
But you didn't want to get to caught up in that you probably weren't even pregnant.
You decided to call Marcus.

Phone call

M- hey baby
Y- hi Marcus, we need to talk.
M- um.. okay
Y- we'll there's something I need to tell you that has been happening for a while now and I can't hide it from you. I've been vomiting a lot lately and i looked it up and Marcus...
M- yes...
Y- I think I'm pregnant...
M- Cay are you sure about this? We're to young! What are parents going to think?
Y- I know... but idk yet but Marcus I'm going buy a test and see what happens and tell you okay?
M- no I'm coming over now and I'll bring a test okay and we will find out together baby.
Y- okay see you in a bit.
M- love you

End of call

You hung up the phone and put your hands in to your face and cried.
So many thoughts went through your head.
You cried some more and then heard a knock at the door and ran downstairs to open it.
You looked through the side window and saw Marcus and opened the door.
You pulled yourself into his arms and kissed his soft pink lips.
"Okay let's do this." Marcus said handing you the test.

You both walked to the bathroom and Marcus stood outside the door waiting for you.
You walked out and sat the test down on the counter.

"We have to wait 5 minuets." You said looking into his eyes.
"Okay" he said grabbing your hands.

"Cay listen No matter what the test says positive or not positive I love you and I always will. And if we do have a kid I will her or him just the same and I I'll love them forever. I promise stay by your side I won't leave like most men do. I truly love you and want to be with you and only you. Your so amazing and so beautiful you mean everything to me. I wouldn't traded the world for you. Your the best thing that ever happened to me and I fucking mean that from the bottom on my heart. Your mine and I'm yours forever and always." He said with tears filling his eyes.

You cried with him as he hugged you tight and you both let go and drew your attention to the test.

"Omg!" You said.

"It's positive! We're having a baby!!" Marcus said With the biggest smile on his beautiful face.
Heyyy thanks so much for reading! THE NEXT CHAPTER IS THE END! Plz be sure to vote and comment!!

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