Chapter 4

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You woke up to you alarm going off.
You sat up rubbing your eyes and getting of your bed.
You got dressed did some light makeup and ran downstairs.
Your outfit

This time it was your dad up and not your mom

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This time it was your dad up and not your mom.
"Oh hey dad!" You said with a big smile.
"Hey sweetie"
"Did you sleep well last night?" He asked.
You ate your favorite cereal "lucky charms" with your dad and he took you off to school.
Walking through the double doors again surrounded by all the kids and green lockers.
You saw ivanita and ran towards her.
You grabbed her shoulders and she screamed.
"Omg I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you ivanita"
"No it's okay,, I just need to stop getting scared" she chuckled.
You both walked to homeroom together meeting Lucas there.
"Hey girls!" Lucas said
"Hi baby" Ivanita said.
You just waved and sat down. The class passed by and you had algebra next.... with Marcus.
You walked into the class room and sat exactly where you sat yesterday. 
Someone sat in the desk next to yours,, it was Marcus.
"Hey" he said looking your direction.
"Hi" You Said shyly.
"Nice kicks" he said looking down to your shoes.
"Thanks.... Hey! Where wearing the same shoes!" You laughed.
"I noticed!" He said with a chuckle.
"You look way better in them though" he said flashing you a smirk.
"Thanks" You said with heat on your cheeks turning them pink.
"Okay class today I want you guys to choose one person to be your study buddy for the year! Talk Among yourselves!" The teacher said. You sat there tapping your pencil not knowing who to ask until you heard Marcus speak.

"Um hey Cayse!?" He said rubbing the back of his neck.
"Yeah" You asked looking at him.
"Would you like to be my study buddy? Feel free to say no..." he said looking down.
"Sure! Only because your the only person I know it the class!" You laughed.
"Sureeee" he said with a wink.
You rolled your eyes and looked down writing something down in your book.
You glanced over to Marcus to see him already staring at you.
"Take a picture it will last longer" you say
"Haha I was just seeing what you were writing!" He said deafening himself.
He looked at your paper and saw you drew eyes.
"Wow that's really good!" He said pointing to your drawling.
"Thanks but it's not all that great."
"Hey don't say that it's amazing!" He said moving his chair closer.
"Here I'll draw an eye and you'll see you are so talented!" He said smiling.
He grabbed the pencil that was in your hand and started drawing.
You looked at his face, his eyes so focused on the paper.
Biting his lower lip.
"Your staring babygirl" he said looking up winking at you.
"Yeah at the drawing!" You said.
"Uhm" he said smirking.
You both made eye contact and the way he looked deep into your eyes gave you chills.
"You know your really be——"
He got cut off by the bell and he friend came to the door way calling his name.
"See you at PE Cay!" He yelled.
Did he just call me Cay a nickname.... and what was he about to tell me??
You thought to yourself as you walked out the classroom to the gym.
Ivanita came up from behind you and hugged you.
"Hey to you to!" You said laughing.
"Haha sorry heyy!" She said smiling.
You both sat down and chatted.
"Okay class settle down today we are going to be doing some fitness testing! Boys are up first you are going to do as many pull-ups as you can today! So get ready." The gym teacher yelled.
All the guys stood up and walked over to the 3 long poles that they could use to do the pull-ups. You noticed Marcus looking at you so you looked at him he pulled off his his shirt still making eye contact with you. You swallowed hard as you say his toned abs appear. His body was overall perfect.
You bit your bottom lip as he noticed and smirked.
"Okay boys get ready!" The teacher yelled.
All the guys out there hands on the bar.
"Okay start!"
They all started going up and down soon one stopped then another and another until 3 boys were left.
Jim, carter, and Marcus.
You watched Marcus as he moved up and down over and over again. His sweat traveled down his face to his neck to his abs. Gosh he looked so hot. 
Jim soon stopped and left Carter and Marcus.
"67, 68 ,69" The teacher yelled (69 😏 I had to haha)
The number came to 75 and Carter tried to go on but he couldn't.
"Go marcus!!" A few girls yelled.
"That's my dude!" Steve yelled.
Some guys clapped.
Marcus didn't stop until he reached 100.
Everyone clapped except ivanita.
"Show off" she said under her breath.
You just rolled your eyes and clapped.
Marcus looked at you and winked, you blushed hard but smiling tying to hide it.
The class ended and you went over to congratulate Marcus. Ivanita didn't want to so she went ahead and headed to lunch.
"You did great Marcus!" You yelled coming to hug him but soon remembering he was sweaty.
"Ugh never mind your all sweaty" you laughed.
"Thanks!" He said coming towards you.
"No stop!" You laughed.
He chased you around until he got tried.
"Okay I'm done I'm to wore out to chase you!" He yelled.
"Haha well see you at lunch!" You said waving walking out eh gym.
You felt two strong arms wrap around your waste,, it was Marcus.
"You were staring again babygirl" he whispered in your ear sending chills down your body.
Babygirl ugh I love that name so much.
You thought.
He let go and ran out the doors. You stood there smiling about what just happened.
You moved your hand to where Marcus touched you and smiled...
Heyyy! This honestly seems horrible 😂 but I really hope you guys enjoy this! Ilyyy💕 be sure to vote and comment for an update.
I've been updating a lot because it's summer and I have absolutely nothing better to do with my life,, my life kinda revolves around the Dobre Twins, and Dolan twins😂♥️ anyone wanna be friends?!message me I need more Dobre twin/brother fan friends!!

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