Chapter 15

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It's been a few days that Emma has been here and it really did bother you like a lot.
You would always catch her looking at Marcus and you would kiss him to make her jealous.
It was Friday and you were so excited finally done with the week and finally get to get away from school.


"So I'm having a party tonight! Would you guys like to come?" She asked looking at you and Marcus.
"Sure!" You said.
"Yup" Marcus said.
"Okay it's at 8 at my place."
"Will be there!" You smiled and grabbed Marcus hand and walked to class.

The day went by and you went home with Marcus.
You both laid on his bed and chatted.

"Are you excited about the party?" You asked.
"Yeah, just don't get to drunk." He laughed.
"I should be saying the same to you!" You laughed jumping above him.
You and Marcus made out for a bit and Marcus got dressed in jeans with a black hoodie.
You both made a deal Marcus would get dressed here and he would take you home and let you get dressed and then head to the party.

"Woah don't you look handsome!" You said cat calling him.
"I'm wearing jeans and a hoodie.... how?" He giggled.
"Please you look good in anything you wear!" You said.
You both walked downstairs telling his parents where you will be and walked out the door.
You arrived at your home and you and Marcus went inside.
"Okay you can stay down here while I go get dressed."
Marcus nodded.
Your parents were at a business trip so you didn't have to worry About them.
You ran upstairs and put on a red tight fitting dress with black heels.
You did a little makeup but not to much because you were never really into wearing 10 pounds of makeup.
You took one more look at yourself and your were pleased with what you saw and walked downstairs.
Marcus immediately saw you and his jaw dropped.

"Your staring babygirl" You Said mocking him.
He laughed and came up to you and wrapped his hands on your waist.

"You know you look pretty hot in that dress, but you would look hotter with it off." He whispered in your ear sending chills across your body.

You pecked his lips and walked out the door hand in hand.
Marcus opened the door for you and said "my lady" and you just laughed at how cute he was.
You both listen to music on the radio as you made your way to the party.
You came to the party @8:26 and most everyone was there so you where a little late.
You and Marcus walked into the party going past drunk kids.
Some dancing and grinding on each other.
"Imma go hand with Steve okay?!" Marcus said.
"Okay be careful!" You said kissing his cheek.

You walked over to ivanita and a few other girls taking shots.
"Hey girl!" Ivanita said hugging you.
"Hi" you replied.
"Wanna take some shots?" Some random girl asked.
You nodded and grabbed a yellow liquid and took it all in one swallow.
You all took some more and went dancing.
You guys were moving your hips and having the best night ever.
You were dancing when you felt two arms wrap around your waist, you thought it was Marcus until you looked at the guy.
It was Steve Marcus best friend.
"What the fuck are you doing?" You asked pulling him away.
"Come on marcus doesn't need to know!" He said grabbing at you again.
"Your right he doesn't need to know, he has to know, GET OFF ME!" You yelled.
"Fine I didn't want you anyways slut." He said.
You knew he was drunk and probably didn't mean what he said but it hurt you really bad.
A tear left your eye as you looked for Marcus.
"Hey have you seen Marcus?" You asked a guy.
"Yeah he went upstairs a little while ago"
"Okay thank you." You said.

You walked up the stairs and opened the first door to some kids doing weed, not surprised.
Then you opened the next door and the sight made your heart break into a million pieces...
Heyyy thanks so much for reading! Thanks for 900 reads! It means alot😊 I hope you all have an amazing day/afternoon or night! Plz vote and comment!

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