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Wednesday, January 3rd

Isaac's face scrunches up in disgust after leaving the bathroom for the third time this morning. He takes another sip of water from the glass I left for him on my desk and his back hunches over as he leans down on it to take a breather.

"Do you always get like this after a party?" I'm almost incapable of controlling my laughter.

His eyes shoot a menacing glare at me in response. "I hate you."

"Yeah, if that were the case, I wouldn't have taken you here yesterday. You're lucky I didn't leave you at home for your mom to see you all drunk like this."

"You know she wouldn't have cared," he complains, taking a seat on my bed while I finish pulling my hair up for school. Which reminds me:

"I still can't believe someone threw a party on a Tuesday night. Why not wait until the weekend when you have more time to recover from a hangover?"

"Probably just a late new year's party," he brushes it off like it's typical for people to get drunk on a school night. "Plus I guarantee half those people don't even come to school anyway."

I allow a sigh to escape past my lips. "Are you sure you're okay to go in today?"

"It's a hangover, Michelle. It's not like I'm dying."

"I know, but-"

"Just drop it, okay? I'll be fine." He starts to rummage through my closet, finding one of the many shirts he usually leaves over here in case of emergencies.

I let it go as he asked, analyzing myself in the mirror while I wait for him to change. There's nothing new about me, just the same turtleneck and cardigan I've been wearing to school since it started to cool down. I still can't believe how short our winter break was; just a week and a half to enjoy Christmas and New Year's and nothing else? I feel robbed.

Isaac walks back out of my closet repping his t-shirt and some flannel jacket I had laying around; it was far too big on me so it seemed to fit him just fine. He ruffles his dark hair before fixing his attention back on me.

"Ready to go?"

I sigh. "Ready as I'll ever be, I guess."

Isaac and I hop into my old car, though usually, I opt for walking to school since it's only ten minutes away on foot. But since he's having a hard time with a self-induced hangover, I figure I should be a good friend and help him out for the day.

We pull into the parking lot smoothly and I hand Isaac a bottle of water before he opens the door. He thanks me with a smile and takes a sip as we finally get out of the car and start heading towards the entrance gate.

Until I see him. Chase Matthews standing in front of the gate, searching in the crowd of people as they all walk through. Like an idiot, I accidentally make eye contact with him, to which he responds by starting to walk toward me with a smile.

I glance over at Isaac and start to panic. I cannot let him see me with Chase. He's going to ask way too many questions and I won't have any answers for him that would protect me from losing this ridiculous game that I don't even know the benefits of winning.

"Hey, I left something in my car," I lie through my teeth, desperate to get him away from me as soon as possible. "You go ahead, I'll catch up with you."

He just walks off with a nod and without a second more to think, I am met by an open-armed Chase Matthews with the audacity to greet me with, "Michelle! Babe!"

Instantly, I point my finger out and stop him from coming any closer by shoving it in his chest and pushing him away.

"Don't call me that."

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