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Classes drag on for what seems like years, until the lunch bell finally rings and I'm able to stuff my face with mediocre food and forget all about my fake boyfriend.

I meet up with Isaac outside of his classroom and we walk to the cafeteria together, sharing our opinions on our new teachers and their classes. He seems to despise his College Algebra class, though I don't understand why; Mr. Watson makes that class impossible to fail.

"How are things going with your experiment boyfriend?" he asks me, a combination of aggression and judgment hidden deep in his tone.

"Things are fine, I guess," I tell him, "I don't know, we just started dating."

"How long do you think it'll take Miles to notice you?"

I smile to myself. "Maybe a month."

"A month? That's kind of a long time, Mich. You really wanna be with Chase for that long?"

I don't really have a choice. "It can't be that bad."

"Hasn't he, like, not lasted in a relationship for more than a couple weeks?

I shrug. His past relationships are really not any of my business; I just need to get through this month with him to win. Even though I still don't know the prize. I can't believe I keep going through with this without knowing what I get when I win. Have I officially lost it?

"Hey! Earth to Michelle," Isaac's voice brings me back to reality. I fix my attention back on him as he asks me what I'm getting for lunch today.

We go through the line as usual, walking off in our different directions so I can get the handmade sandwich while he grabs one of the freshly cooked meals. As we meet back up again, we move through the different tables that always filled up so quickly inside. So we take our lunch outside, where we can let the winter air cool us down while we eat.

"I'm going to Vegas for my birthday," Isaac tells me after taking his first bite.

I nod in curiosity, though I can't help but feel a twinge of pain in my chest. "How long?"

"Only about a week. I'll be staying with Sonia since she lives out there now."

Sonia, his older sister. I can't remember how old she is now, but surely she's old enough to live on her own out in Vegas. She was always nice to me, so I can trust that he'll be okay for a week. I guess I'm just a little bummed that I'll be away from him for an entire week.

"Hey," I hear his voice again. I need to stop zoning out. "I'll bring something back for you, don't worry."

I roll my eyes with a smile. "Don't you dare. It's your birthday, I should be sending you something."

"You already gave me the best birthday gift I could ask for."

I blink him to death. "The party?"

"No, stupid. You gave me an amazing best friend."

"Oh, shut up," I tell him, chucking one of my waffle fries at his face. Isaac rarely gets all sappy on me, so I can't help but feel awkward with his sudden change in attitude.

"I'm serious," he tells me. "I know I give you a lot of shit but you're a good friend, Michelle."

"Stop it, you're scaring me," I joke.

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