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I make it a point to avoid Chase for the rest of the day after talking such big talk that I know I wouldn't be able to walk. Without a doubt, he's going to want to try something funny and I am not going to let that happen. I may be a girl and I may be attracted to men but Chase Matthews is a line I will never cross.

I push myself through the door of the anatomy classroom with a huff of air before running directly into a tall mass of absolute handsome.

"Sorry!" I announce embarrassingly loud as I rub away the pain in my nose.

"Oh, Michelle; just the girl I'm looking for," Miles croons with a smooth grin. His daunting eyes stare me down, making me feel good small. Like he could hold my face with just one hand and devour me whole in a casual hug. Like his body could completely bury me in bed with ease-

"Michelle, you good?"

Oh my God, I am such a perv.

"Yeah! Yeah, sorry, I'm just," I struggle to speak normally as his eyes bore powerfully into my head, "Anatomy just kicked my ass, I guess."

He lets out a small chuckle. "Yeah, no kidding."

His brown eyes are so charming, it's almost impossible to not get lost in them.

"So, listen," he started again, "Remember when I asked if you could help me study for my calculus test? I really do need your help."

"Yeah, yeah!" I automatically agree. I mean, it's Miles. Who wouldn't agree? "Why me, though?"

"Well, because... you know," he avoids eye contact. "You're really smart. And the company would be nice. Especially if it was company from someone as beautiful as you."

Did Miles just call me beautiful again?

I am on cloud nine.

No, forget cloud nine. I'm on cloud ten.

"But, I mean... it's fine if you don't wanna-"

"No!" I grab his shoulder. "I'll help!"

"Really?" he asks, earning a nod from me. "Thanks, Michelle, I knew I could count on you."

"Yeah, don't worry about it." I peel my hand off his shoulder reluctantly as I push it into my pocket. "I need a break from Chase anyway."

"Oh?" His tone reads intrigued as he tilts his head at me. "Why is that?"

"Well, see, we had a fight," I lie, catching a cue from Miles to start walking towards another classroom.

"What about?"

"He's just kind of pushy, you know?" I say, trying to watch my words.

"Oh, I know all about it," he says. "In fact, I think you should break up with him."

"Wait, what? Why?" I ask, now stopping in the middle of the hallway.

"Well, I know Chase. Or at least I did. He's a really flirtatious guy, Michelle. He could have any girl's heart and then just rip it to shreds."

"What do you mean?" I'm not actually concerned, but I think I'm starting to learn about what happened between those two.

"We used to be close. He told me everything," Miles starts to explain some more. "Especially his new hook-ups. Chase is a player. He doesn't care about girls' feelings. He just gets what he wants from them and then leaves."

I can't help but snicker. I can only imagine. "You think so?"

Is that why they're so upset with each other, though? That doesn't really make any sense; I mean, why would Chase being a player affect Miles so badly that they have this unbridled resentment towards each other?

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