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Friday, January 5th


Usually, I'd jump out of my seat at the sound of that. It's finally Friday; Thank God.

But this Friday is different. This Friday is completely different because now I have a fake boyfriend that refuses to leave me alone despite my perpetual rejection. And, unless Isaac decides he wants to talk to me again, the only thing I have to look forward to tomorrow is a date with said fake boyfriend. And I'm not sure that's even something to look forward to at all.

Without wanting to spend another precious thought exhausting over the endless obstacle that was Chase, I just start to get dressed for school instead. I pull on several layers of different fabrics, hoping it'll all be enough to keep me warm during the winter month.

Winters in Arizona aren't usually too bad, but this year it's been colder than usual, so I really need to prepare well for the cold. Especially when it's so easy to get sick in this weather. That is the last thing I want; I hate being sick.

After I finish getting dressed and running the flat iron through my hair, I grab my backpack and rush out the door, only to be met by the one and only Chase Matthews.

His hair is perfectly curled on top of his head, just like it always has been since we were young. His basketball jersey is layered over his black hoodie and he's wearing light khaki jeans that almost blend in with the color of my outside wall. And despite arriving here completely unannounced, a giant smile is plastered across his face as we make eye contact.

"What are you doing here?" My voice chokes out in a mix of shock and discomfort. How does he even know where I live?

Oh, that's right. He walks me home now. Weird.

"I'm here to take you to school. Let's go." He smiles and reaches his hand out to me without any effort to remove his grin. I guess it's not so bad that he's smiling at me, it's not like he's not nice to look at.

"Why did you have to meet me at my house, though?" I can't help but ask as I reluctantly place my hand in his.

"Well, once I realized you walk to school alone, I figured it would be safer for you to walk with someone by your side." He gently pulls me closer to him as we start to walk, my body moving awkwardly alongside him like it's unnatural for us to be this close. "Plus I wanted to see you."

"That's illegal."

He chuckles at what I'm assuming he thinks is a joke. "Okay, I wanted to be seen with you."

When I shoot him a look similar to the way I look at my Anatomy quizzes, he tries to elaborate.

"It's about time we start getting the word out that you and I are a thing."

"It's literally been three days."

"The sooner the better, right?"

"No." If I could avoid people knowing about our "relationship" forever, I would take that chance in a heartbeat.

"Okay, well then how about we tell people we're together, or you kiss me," he says next, making my body squirm as I realize he knows exactly how to get to me now.

"You know, suddenly I change my mind."

"I figured you would."

We finish the walk to school within the next few minutes and he walks me to my locker just like he did a couple times this week. Only this time, the biggest difference is the way our fingers are interlocked. And it's been kind of nice holding his hand, in all honesty. The last time I held hands with someone was during Freshman year, so this is a pretty positive sign of growth. I'm not saying I like holding Chase's hand, but it's better than nothing.

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