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Stella DeAngeloCindy Kimberly age: 17

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Stella DeAngelo
Cindy Kimberly
age: 17

Angelina DesarioKelsey Calemineage: 17

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Angelina Desario
Kelsey Calemine
age: 17

The Cast of The Outsiders as themselves ages as given by S

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The Cast of The Outsiders
as themselves
ages as given by S.E. Hinton.


Stella DeAngelo is your average teenager.  She's got her best friend Angelina by her side 24/7 along with her friend group, mainly consisted of guys.  All living in Brooklyn, New York... ya got a group of trouble makers looking for a good time and a good laugh.

that's about all you'll need to know.

Guess I'll introduce myself too.  I'm the author.  You don't gotta worry about my name or what I'm like.  Just know I'd rather live in the 50's-90's than anything else.  I decided to bring these 50s kids to experience 2018 the way i see they would. I fuck with Matt Dillon and the cast of the outsiders.  So yea, you're welcome for the introduction.

Also this story will most likely not completely revolve around the story of S.E Hinton's novel "The Outsiders", i'm just using the characters because they are badass. But if I decide to use the story line, all credits to S.E.

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