interview | 1

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Chapter 1:

"When we climb so fast to fall again"
-Jordin Sparks (Battlefield)

They five boys that belonged to the boy band Why Don't We, had just gotten done with yet another one of their successful tours. The boys feel like they could just fall asleep in their actual home bed for the rest of the day. But they couldn't. They still had one last interview right there in Los Angeles. From what their manager had explained, it wouldn't be a long one and right after they could relax all they wanted. The thought of slumber sounded nice; and knowing that they could do it right after a simple interview, they were up for it.

Fixing their hair and straightening their clothes, the five boys had gotten into a van and took off in the direction of where they were suppose to be. It wasn't a far ride, making the boys cheer mentally. Last thing they wanted was to fall asleep from a car ride and still be drowsy during the interview. And with the energy they had left, the guys got out of the van with bright smiles on their faces. A few paparazzi who waited outside the building started flashing their cameras, making the boys just duck their head and enter without a word.

Their manager David was already waiting with an interviewer (who just happened to be a women not looking older than twenty five). The boys went up to the two, smiles plastered on their faces as they greeted each other like it was an everyday thing. And it was. The five boys were used to meeting new people by now as their job made their lifestyle in such way. It wasn't like they were complaining though. They loved traveling and seeing other people who admired them.

"How about you boys get touched up and then we'll get started with this interview" the women spoke with a tight grin on her face. The boys nodded in agreement, before being guided towards a room where a few more people stood setting up or cleaning. The boys were each placed in a seat, all busy with their phones, as the professionals touched up their looks. It wasn't long before they were all out in a different room.

It was a cozy room with posters of all sorts scattered on the walls. There was a large couch up against a wall, while a simple wooden stool stood beside it. And facing the one side of the room was a large black camera. A few men wearing headsets were messing with a camera, obviously proving they were doing their job. The women guided the five boys to the large couch while she took a seat on the stool. David was beside the camera man, his face holding a proud smile. The women was given cards, along with the five person boy band being handed two microphones to share.

"You boys ready?" The lady beamed as she gave a signal to the cameraman. The boy band nodded, giving full permission for them to start recording. "Alright, my name is Amy and I'm here with the famous boy band Why Don't We! We have Corbyn, Daniel, Jonah, Zach and Jack."

The Amy lady turned her attention from the camera and put it on the guys sitting on the couch.

"So boys...tell me, how was tour?" She asked before starting again. "And don't worry, this interview won't just be me giving you guys a bunch of lame questions" they all laughed at her words; Daniel soon being one of the five to hold up one of the two microphones. He answered the question easily.

"It was amazing actually. We love being able to see new places and meet new people. And the love all of our wonderful fans gives us is crazy" the others agreed.

"That's great to hear! I'm actually a fan myself. Trust Fund Baby is on repeat constantly for me and my four year old daughter" the guys broke out in large grins from hearing such words. They gave praise to the women for liking them so much to put them on repeat. "Alright so wanting to spice it up a little, I've actually found out that you all have individual bromances. Like Jachary is it?" The women questioned and looking at the two males who sat on the end. All eyes were on them now. Zach's cheeks turned even darker than they originally were, while Jack held a smirk.

He wrapped his arm around Zach and brought him in for a tight hug.

"That's correct. Our fans have a very active imagination. They even make these little fan edits about us. It's entertaining to see their reactions so we just keep up with the act" Jack answered confidently and removing his arm from around Zach, to eventually leave it on his thigh. Zach tried so hard to keep the tint of red from rising in his face even more.

"It's amazing on what they find. They even take interviews like this and twist our words to make it seem as if we are really in love with one another" Jonah jumped in and chuckling at the topic.

"Really? So what are some other bromances that are within this group? Other than Jachary of course" Amy asked, clearly interested in the conversation a lot more than she needed to be.

"Um, well there is Corbyn and I" Jonah stated and looking at the fake blonde before giving him their special handshake.

"A real big one when we first started was Daniel and I" Jack smiled and taking a glance at the brunette who was just staring down at his hands.

"Yeah. I've heard of that. Janiel it was."

"People also loved the thought of Zach and I together when we first started" Jonah spoke and ruffling the youngest's hair. Zach immediately flicked a glare over towards Jonah, before moving to fix his brown locks.

"How about you two? I think I've seen something mentioning Dorbyn being on the rise?" Amy spoke unsure. Daniel and Corbyn looked at each other, suddenly smiling.

"And there you have it folks! Dorbyn is real" Zach smirked.

"No, no." Corbyn protested. "Sorry Dani, but I'm gonna have to reject you. My heart belongs to Christina" Corbyn pouted, making Daniel chuckle but nod. They shared a hug, then after putting their attention back on the interview.

"At least there's no hard feelings" they laughed yet again. "But keeping on the topic of you all being shipped together for a little longer, have any of you ever read fan fiction about it? Do y'all know what that is?" The women asked innocently as she looked down at her cards.

"We've heard of it. It all just goes back to our fans having a very active imagination" Jack answered. "I've never personally read gay fan fiction. Like the ones about us being paired together; but I have read ones about me falling in love with some random girl" Jack finished.

"I have" Jonah spoke up. Everyone looked at him in shock. "I don't know how I got to it, but it was some link to a website. And all I had seen were things that involved me being in love with Zach or even Daniel. I only read it because I wanted to know what people think. And their skills on writing aren't that bad" he admits.

"Wow. I want someone to write a fan fiction about me" she giggled, the boys smiling along. "Anyway, onto new questions. Do you guys plan on taking a small break, or keep working on music now that tour is over?" Amy asked.


This is longer than I wanted...but who cares? And just to be clear, they never did an interview where this happens.


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