family | 9

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Chapter 9:

"Everyone tells me I gotta go slow"
-Sabrina Carpenter (Too Young)

The five boys were able to visit their families today. A time where they can finally get a break from the famous life and just be with the people they love. It was quite relaxing you could say, making all the boys content and happy.

Zach in particular was feeling the most home sick. He figured it was because of what had happened yesterday; that he realised he needed some time away. Hopefully clear his head and focus on something else for a change. The thought of being able to hug his parents or even his two younger siblings brought a smile to the brunettes' face. He would be able to see their faces in person and not over his phone where the connection sometimes broke out.

Zach had actually finished packing, getting ready to leave within the next hour, when he heard a knock at the door. He looked up from his plain black suitcase, to put his attention on the door that had opened only a few seconds later. Zach's smile dropped as he had seen that it was Gabbie. Both her and Christina were visiting one last time before they left too.

"Uh sorry for interrupting, but um Daniel said he wanted to see you" Gabbie spoke, stumbling over her words a few times. It made Zach furrow his eyebrows in confusion. Only because she seemed highly sketchy at the moment. The two rarely talked as they never needed to. The only real reason they were friends was because she was dating Jack.

"Why didn't he just come up here?"

Gabbie froze, seeming to not know what to say. She fiddled with the hem of her shirt as she stared anxiously.

"He's busy and can't get away at the moment. He needs you to go to him" she suddenly blurts. Zach watched her skeptically before sighing. He nodded as to say "okay" before leaving his items on the edge of Jonah's bed; then moving past her and walking down the stairs. When seeing him leave, Gabbie grinned and closed the bedroom door. She began her search through Zach's belongings.

First thing: his phone.


"We are now landing folks! Please do not get up from your seats at this time!" The pilot had announced over the intercom.

Zach smiled as he looked out the window. He could see the airport not too far from where he was. He had called his parents ahead of time so they knew when to pick him up. He was going to see his family very soon and it was exciting. He's been away for too long. And even if he did have slight anxiety from being away from the others, Zach knows it'll disappear eventually. The comfort of being able to hold his parents or siblings again was enough to settle his stomach.

Before he even knew it, the plane had landed safely; allowing the brunette to release a breath he didn't even know he was holding. Everyone was grabbing their items from their storage units, Zach doing the same. He was one of the last few off, as he sat a little ways from the exit. And the second he was able to breath in the fresh sent of what he considered home, Zach allowed a smile to grow on his face once again. He pulled up his hood and displayed glasses on his face so he wouldn't be bombarded by fans. He was lucky no one leaked that he was in is home state by now.

And when following the many people that waltzed into the airport, Zach sheepishly looked around for a person of whom he could call family. He looked at the blue seats that were displayed only a few feet away. Luckily for him he was able to see a little girl already staring back at him with her big brown eyes. Zach felt his face begin to hurt at the smile that seemed to stretch across his face.

"Zachy!" The little girl ran over. Zach dropped his luggage ready to catch her. She jumped into his arms, clinging to his form. And he didn't hesitate to return the tight and loving hug. "I've missed you" she whispered breaking the hug.

"Don't worry. I've missed you too Reece" Zach replied, placing the little girl back on her own two feet. Just as he did, the people he noticed as his parents and younger brother had joined them. They all embraced Zach in another hug, knowing they missed the oldest Herron child. There were several words exchanged before the small family had decided to head back home. It wasn't until they were in the car, on the ride to a highly known house that Zach brought up something he was debating to say.

He had been thinking about it the whole plane ride. He even discussed it with Daniel before the two had to part ways.

"Mom, Dad" Zach spoke grabbing their attention. They gave a simple "yes" to show that they were listening; even if their attention was focused on the busy streets in front of them. Zach brought his bottom lip between his teeth, looking down at his hands that were already fiddling with the rings that aligned his skinny fingers. His sudden stop of words made his mother look back at him in worry.

"What is it sweetie?" His mother spoke up, breaking the intense silence. It even made Reece and his brother Ryan begin to wonder what was troubling the oldest.

"I think I'm gay."

The car had gone into a screeching halt, only small gasps being heard after.




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