over | 20

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Chapter 20:

"It's like when I feel lonely, that's when you start actin' choosey"
-H.E.R. (Losing)

Jonah felt as if he was the only one who could casually talk to each other band member without there being a hanging tension. It was honestly sickening. Daniel and Zach would stay cooped up in their rooms, while Corbyn and Jack rarely talked or did anything. No one was their normal self. Jonah felt as if the house was constantly at war. If any of the boys even crossed paths with each other, there would be silence and quick movements. No one knowing what might happen next. It was honestly frustrating on Jonah's behalf. Days felt endless and boring.

And there was not a single thing he could do.

But there is something Jack could do. And it all falls into place the second he ends things with Gabbie. A small smile even stretched across his face as he thought about this whole thing being over. Everything and everyone would be happy again.

Jack quickly pulled his phone from his pocket, sitting up in his seat on the couch. He pulled up Gabbie's number, quickly clicking the call button. He knows breaking up with her over the phone was cruel; but the faster he got this done, the faster things will return to normal. So swiftly bouncing his leg, he waited for the other line to connect. He instantly perked as he heard her soft voice say a small "hello."

"Hey Gabbie" Jack spoke innocently.

"Hey Jack. Why'd you call?" She replies, happiness obviously lacing her tone. It made Jack hate to do this.

"To talk actually" he blandly answers. He heard movement on her side, before fast breathing. "And I didn't want to do it over the phone but..."

"You're breaking up with me?" She questions before he could even finish. Jack let out a sigh.

"Yes. And I know it's a low-" he was cut off.

"Is this because of Zach? I told him to back off!" She said, but it seemed like she was speaking more to herself than to Jack. And it only made Jack a little frustrated. She wasn't listening.

"Gabbie. This doesn't involve Zach. This is between me and you" Jack states. "I just don't feel the same about you anymore. We had a good run and-"

"You know what he does right? He reads fan fiction...about you two" Gabbie blurted. She was hoping that what she said next would change his thinking process. It didn't. Only because he already knew.

"Yeah. I know" Jack answers. "Gabbie, it was amazing being with you. Really. It made me learn a few things about myself. But now that I think about it, we were only meant to be friends."

"Can we please just talk about this? I mean you never really said why you were breaking up with me" Gabbie says quickly, knowing she was running out of things to say. She was about to lose her boyfriend to another guy.

"We are talking. You're just only hearing the words you're saying. Goodbye Gabbie" Jack said softly as he ended the call. He placed his phone beside him on the couch, running his hands over his face. He let out a breath, feeling his muscles relax. And he gently smiled to himself as stood to his feet. This was where everything fell into place. He quickly dashed up the stairs, tripping a few times on the way up. He stood outside the shared bedroom where Zach slept, knocking lightly on the door. It was a few seconds before he actually got a reply.

"Who is it?" It was Zach's voice. Jack bit his lip the slightest.

"Jack. Can I come in?"

"No" Zach answered blandly. It made Jack sigh as he went to speak again.

"Please I just wanna-" he was cut short by the door opening. It revealed Jonah standing there with a small smile.

"Don't mess this up even more than you already did" Jonah whispered as he moved past Jack and down the stairs. Jack nodded at his words, before walking into the quiet bedroom. He shut the door behind him. He looked around the room until he spotted a figure huddled under the blanket from Jonah's bed. Jack snickered to himself as he slowly went up to the form he assumed was Zach. He took a seat on the edge of the bed, it dipping the tiniest from his weight.

"What do you want?" Zach said. It came out muffled as he was still hidden.

"I broke up with Gabbie."

"Trouble in paradise" Zach chuckled, before it was followed with a sniffle. Jack smiled himself as he turned his head to look at the ball he knew as Zach. He gently removed the covers to show Zach huddled together. His hair was flat against his forehead, tears stained his cheeks and his face was a lot more pale except for his nose and cheeks that burned red. Jack frowned at the sight, while Zach quickly covered himself again.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have handled the situation like that. And I came up here to apologize for making you feel uncomfortable" Jack sighed.

"You're forgiven. You may leave now" Zach blurted.

"Please come out so I can see your face. Just because you say it, doesn't mean you mean it" it was quiet in the room for a moment, before the younger slowly but surely removed the blankets. He sat up, the comforter now sitting below his waist. Zach was fiddling with his fingers, never looking up.

"I forgive you. Can you leave now?" Zach said again.

"Look at me."

They made eye contact.

"I forgive you. Now lea-" he was cut short as lips were soon met with his chapped ones.

Zach was in shock as the kiss ended not too long after. He stared wide eyed at Jack, not moving and he doesn't even think he was breathing. His reaction made Jack upset. Or that was until Zach grabbed the collar of his shirt and smashed their lips together once again. The kiss was slow and passionate. Jack leaning Zach back, until the younger was laying down and he was hovering. Zach moved his hands so they were wrapped around Jack's neck.

"I should have known."

The two broke apart to see Jared standing in the doorway.

Jack quickly removed himself from Zach, fixing his appearance. Zach on the other hand jumped up and quickly went after his boyfriend. His loyal and caring boyfriend. Knowing he cheated not only broke Jared's heart, but Zach's too.

Jared went down the stairs, Zach following. And they even passed a room where there was faint yelling before there was silence. And that room held both Corbyn and Daniel in it. That silence was a result of a heart broken Daniel and a still taken Corbyn.


Wouldn't it suck if I ended the book here?


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