jared | 14

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Chapter 14:

"Imma see a whole lotta people"
-Star Cast (I Want You)

Zach had just slipped a clean shirt over his head when the bedroom door had swung open.

"And where are you going so late?"

It was Daniel. He held a bright smile on his face along with his eyes twinkling greatly. He took a seat next to Jonah who carelessly scrolled through his phone on his bed. But before the young brunette could respond, Jonah did it for him.

"He's going on a date. With Jared." The oldest smirked, as he took a glance at the other two before going back towards his cellphone. At the news, Daniel practically jumped up from his spot and went to go tackle the other in a bone crushing hug. Zach just whined and tried his hardest to escape the tight grasp. Luckily, the hug wasn't too long as Daniel let go and started rambling about what might happen.

"Is this the same Jared you've been talking to for the past couple of days?" Daniel wondered as he watched Zach fix his hair in the mirror.

"Yeah. So don't be weird when he comes to pick me up. We're just going for dinner and then for a walk" Zach replied. He turned back around, spreading his arms out as to present himself. He wore a patterned button up shirt that he slightly unbuttoned at the top to show some of his chest, it was tucked into black skinny jeans, with simple black low top sneakers. His hair was styled liked it usually was and he had a few rings that aligned his slim fingers.

Daniel nodded quickly at the outfit.

And just then they heard the doorbell go off. All three boys looked at each other before moving from their spots and down the stairs to the front door. They weren't the only ones suspicious about the sudden visitor, as the three seen Jack answering the door, while Corbyn watched from leaning up against a nearby wall. He wasn't too interested as he casually ate a bowl of a random cereal.

The door was opened to show Jared standing there. His hands were behind his back as he rocked back in forth in his own dark sneakers. He perked as he seen the five other males staring at him with many different expressions.

"Uh, hi. I'm here for Zach" Jared smiled as he caught the stare Jack was giving him from the door. And the stare only intensified at the mention of the youngest member. The silence was enough for Zach to move next to Jack and lightly push him out of the way. A small scoff was heard as Zach opened the door wider.

"Hi" Zach breathed with a smile.

"Hey" Jared responded with the same happy aura.

"Wow, he's gorgeous!" Daniel beamed as he bounced his way over. He leaned against the door frame with a smirk. He flashed a smile as he gave a small wink. "Name's Daniel. And if you ever want to oh, I don't know...hook up. I'm down."

Zach instantly smacked him upside his head, making Jared laugh lightly.

"Go to your room" Daniel pouted. He flicked his gaze back towards Jared and made a signal as to say "call me." Zach rolled his eyes as he pushed the older away. "Take him away boys" Jonah and Corbyn nodded as they both made sure he left the room completely. Zach sighed as he went back to facing his date. "Sorry. We can go now."

"It's fine" Jared chuckled as he stepped off the porch, Zach beginning to follow right after. Or that was until his wrist was grabbed and he was being stopped. He looked to see that it was Jack. He had a scowl etched on his features as the two stared at each other in the descending sun.

"I thought we agreed on no more secrets. You didn't tell me you were going on a date tonight" Jack spoke, dropping his grip he had on the other. He didn't look as mad as he did before. Now he just seemed upset.

"Daniel agreed to no more secrets. Not me. And I didn't think I had to tell you" Zach replied harshly. But when he seen the frown on the other's face he sighed. "I'll see you later, Jack."


"This was amazing. Honestly best date I have ever been on" Zach giggled as the two walked down the final street that held the house Zach lived at. Their hands were interlocked as they smiled about the night they had just witnessed.

"Have you ever been on a date before?" Jared jokes, making Zach scoff before punching him in the arm. "Kidding. Kidding" the two laughed. And when looking, they noticed that they stood at the doorstep of the house that belonged to Zach and his other band mates. Zach let out a sigh as the two stood in front of each other.

"I really did have fun with you tonight. You were my first guy date. Thank you" Zach smiled, interlocking their hands and bringing him closer. Jared nodded in understanding, as he leaned down just a little so the two were close enough to feel each other's breath.

"Glad you enjoyed yourself. And I'm honored to be your first" Jared said back in almost a whisper. The two were so close now. Any second and the two would end their night with a small kiss.

But not all nights are as magical as they seem. Right when the two were about to seal the kiss, the porch light had turned on and the door opened revealing the four other boys. Both boys broke apart, red tints littering their cheeks. The four others stood watching over the two like overly protective dads.

"It's time to come inside, Zachary" Daniel said sternly, before he broke out into a fit of giggles. Zach rolled his eyes as he faced Jared once again.

"Again, thank you. See you later" Zach smiles, as he leaned to give Jared a light peck on the cheek. He waved one last time as he entered the house, the other four closing the door and only a few footsteps following behind him.

"How was it? Did he ask about me?" Daniel rambled as he followed Zach's every move.

"It was great. And no, he didn't" Zach chuckles, making Daniel pout.


This chapter wasn't really much. Sorry. But fun question...what song would you say describes:

(I don't know personally)


(I think 'Right Here' by Chase Atlantic)

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