exposed | 18

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Chapter 18:

"Not really sure how to feel about it"
-Rihanna featuring Mikky Ekko (Stay)

"I'm not scared. It just looks unnaturally squishy" Zach laughed as he poked the squid that sat in a bucket before him. His respected boyfriend just laughed as he watched the younger eye the animal in disgust. And their conversation would have gone further if Zach didn't get a call. The two allowed their laughter to die as Zach pulled out his phone; he had seen that Daniel was calling him. His eyebrows furrowed as he stood to his feet. "I'm going to take this. Be right back."

Jared nodded in understanding as he leaned back in his chair. Zach smiled as he walked away from their table. He actually moved so he stood beside the restaurant bathrooms. The call was ended by now, so Zach quickly went to his contacts and pulled up Daniel's number. He tapped his foot carelessly as he waited for the other to pick up. It wasn't long before Daniel was shouting in his ear. He seemed distressed as he kept mumbling different things.

"Dani! Dani! Slow down. I can't understand you" Zach chuckled out. Daniel took his advice and took a deep breath in. And when the line on his side was quiet for a moment, Zach had gotten a little scared.

"I'm so sorry" Daniel breathed. Zach bit his lip, beginning to become worried. "It's all my fault. I just left it on the table and I-I panicked."

"What did you do Daniel?" Zach forced out.

"Jack seen my books. But then I choked and randomly blurted that you read too" Daniel replies, his voice getting softer. Immediately Zach froze and clutched his phone tighter. He could feel his heart drop and completely shatter. "I told him you read about Jachary. But I promise I didn't mean to."

Zach didn't speak. He just stared at the wall opposite of him.

"Zach! Zach please say something! I'm sorry. I truly am" The younger brought the phone from his ear and looked at the lit screen. He let out a deep breath as he clicked the red button to end the call. He stuffed his phone back in his pocket as he stalked over to the table Jared still sat at. Immediately the other looked up with a smile. That smile dropped as he seen how upset Zach was.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Those three words broke Zach. A singular tear fell down his cheek as he stood there, staring at the person who has done nothing but care for him. Jared didn't hesitate to stand and bring Zach in for a tight hug. And it wasn't until then that Zach let the tears fall. Soft sobs escaped his lips as he clutched onto Jared. "It's okay. Don't cry. Let's get you home, alright?"

Zach nodded in agreement as Jared set down a few dollar bills, before guiding Zach out of the restaurant they currently were at. They had gotten a few looks from fellow customers, but that was the least of their problems at the moment. Zach knew he had to deal with this problem eventually. He just didn't think it would be so soon. And he definitely didn't think Daniel would be the one to expose him like he did. So when Jared and him had gotten to the front door of the large house, Zach just stared. He didn't want to enter. He didn't want to face whatever the boys had to say.

He didn't want to face Jack.

"T-Thank you" Zach stuttered out as he turned the slightest to Jared. The other leaned down and gently let his lips attach themselves to Zach's. The two stood on the porch, engulfed in each other as they didn't care about anything else. Zach deepened the kiss, hoping it would be the reason he gives up on Jack. He wishes Jared would be the one to finally pull him away from whatever stupid crush he had for that curly haired singer. But it's not what their relationship was. The kiss; Jared; it's nothing but a distraction.

And it's not fair to Jared.

Breaking the kiss, Zach smiled. They rested their foreheads together, still lost in the bliss of each other.

"See ya later cutie" Jared replied as he left one last peck against Zach's lips. Zach watched him leave with a frown. Oh, how he wished he could beg him to stay.

But knowing that's nothing but a dream, Zach unlocked the door and stepped inside the cold home. There was silence. He couldn't hear a thing as he looked around suspiciously. He locked the door behind him, moving further into the house. He checked the main room first and not a soul was there. He then went to the kitchen to see no one. He was highly confused as he looked around the house. No one was here with him. He took a seat on the couch.

"Where the he-?" And it was as if a lightbulb went off as he exited the house. He went to the nearby forest and quickly made his way through the trees and bushes. "Daniel! Jonah!" No one responded. "Corbyn...Jack!" He finally made it to their small hide out and had seen the four of them standing beside it. Daniel on one side, Jack and Corbyn on the other, and Jonah in the middle. "Guys..."

All heads snapped towards him.

"I'm so sorry, Zach" Daniel squeaked out. He seemed to be crying. Zach couldn't stay mad at him. After all, the truth was going to come out eventually. So running up to Daniel, he wrapped his pale arms around the other.

"Let's go home first. Talk about this later" Zach decided. Daniel agreed, allowing Zach to guide him back to the house. And he didn't dare look to see if the others were following. All he did was keep his eyes straight or focusing on a shaking Daniel.

The brunette seemed to have really tore himself up about this. But exposing Zach and his secret wasn't the only reason why he couldn't control his cries. Corbyn found out too. The blonde looked at him emotionless and refused to speak. Instead he yelled to stay away from him, before being the first to run away. Jonah followed, making Daniel want to try and fix things and Jack hope to calm everyone down.

No one was calm though.

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