A Little Help

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"You boys are so late, what were you doing? Having sex?" Natasha scolded as she walked up to their stolen car, where the two boys were just getting out.

Behind her was an abandoned factory building. With three stories, completely made of brick, and boarded up windows, it was one of the more scenic buildings on the wharf. The fact that the sun setting behind the building had nothing to do with the beauty of the abandoned building, though it was a nice attributing factor.

"Where have you been," Natasha demanded.

Steve laughed and looked over at Bucky to answer her.

Bucky sighed, "We're sorry Nat, I got hungry so I got Steve to stop for food. But I also attempted to seduce him in the car, so we ended up getting stuck in rush hour traffic. I'm sorry."

"Well, you're here now." She said. "The people following you are private security types and you'll never guess who they belong to. Tony."

"That son of a bitch," Bucky muttered.

"My guess is someone tipped them off." Natasha continued. "Has anyone recognised you in the past few days? Landlord, neighbour, barista, the owner of the laundry mat? "

"Not that I can think of," Steve replied.

"That's goo-" 

Bucky cut off Natasha, "Actually, there was a kid a the ice cream shoppe. He recognised you, he thanked you."

"Damn it, Steve," Natasha turned to him. "Why couldn't you be more careful?"

"I'm sorry."

"An apology isn't helpful. Tony knows where you are, he has men following you!"

"Wait," Steve shook his head. "Why Tony? Are you positive it wasn't someone else? Pepper, maybe?"

"Tony owns the men, but that doesn't mean he commands them," Bucky added.

"Pepper's still away, but there is Happy. Though he doesn't have enough stature, so I don't think he'd have access to Stark's men." Natasha said.

"But he could, there's also Rhody," Steve mentioned.

"He could." Natasha though, "But I don't think it is any of them."

"It's someone from the outside," Bucky stated as if it was the most obvious answer. "It has to be."

"Then who?" Steve asked.

"I suppose it doesn't matter," Natasha interjected. "It doesn't and at this point nothing does. You still have to take T'challa up on his offer."

"No, I don't." Bucky spat. "I'm staying here."

"The nightmares? The ones that have been getting worse? They happen when you're awake?" Natasha questioned. "They're only going to get worse. I know, I know you don't want to admit it but if you don't get help now, those nightmares are never going to stop."

Everyone was quiet for a moment until Bucky spoke softly, "Have they stopped for you?"

Nat pursed he lips, laughing a little and looking down. "No, they haven't."


"I never got help. I never thought I needed it."

"Are you trying to help me?"

"Yes." She whispered. "I can't fix myself, but I'll be damned if I can't help you get fixed."

Bucky smiled softly. He walked to her and wrapped his arms around her. "You were never broken." He whispered to her, "You were stronger than most, you learned to use a mask. It's why you never broke."

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