Well Frickity-Frack

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This chapter was named by my friend(her Instagram: @madamebirbo) The inspiration for this chapter also came from her. Thank you so much for your weird ideas! And at her request, she'd like you to know that she is a full worshiper of Klance and she's like to tell you 'an avacado...thanks'

"Bucky," Steve said, trying to get his attention, "Bucky."

Bucky turned to glare at him, his hand still playing with the window controls. "What."

"Please stop playing with the window."

"I'm not playing with it!"

"Yes, you are." Steve insisted, "Now stop, I'm trying to focus on driving." 

"Now stop, I'm trying to focus on driving." Bucky mocked, making his voice an octave higher.

"Really?" Steve grimaced. His knuckles started to turn white with the pressure he was gripping the steering wheel with.

"Sorry, I'm just, uh," Bucky looked out the window, "Oh, look! A rest stop! Can we stop, I'm hungry!"

"No, we'll stop in an hour."


Steve cut Bucky off, "No, we'll stop in an hour."

Bucky pouted and went back to looking out the window. He rested his elbow against the door, putting all of his weight on it. He watched the people in their cars. There was a certain way they acted like they were in a different world. It was amazing to watch people acting so careless, yet they had somewhere important to be. There was one car with a girl, she was singing and dancing to the music as tears she most likely was trying to hide fell down her face. There was another with a tired mother driving and two kids in the back who looked like they were fighting each other.

He couldn't help but smile at the children. They were innocent and pure and the way they waddled around was adorable.

"Hey, Steve," Bucky asked quietly, "Can we ever have children? Would that be a thing that we could do?"

Steve turned the radio down and quietly stated, "One day, when this is all over, we can have kids and live in a house with a garden. I promise that you will get an ending that you deserve."

Bucky moved to face Steve, "Aw, baby, don't cry." He moved his hand to wipe the tears falling from Steve's eyes.

"How hungry are you?" Steve asked abruptly.

Bucky squinted at him, "I don't know, are we going to stop for food."

"Maybe, but that depends on how hungry you are."

"Well," Bucky said carefully, "I'm very hungry."

"Then let's eat, there a reststop in 3 miles."

"Oh thank god,"

Steve tried to smile, but he couldn't stop hearing what Bucky had said. Can we have children? Is that a thing we can do?  How could he tell him that once you're in this game, you can ever leave? There's always something, Clint knows that more than anyone. He had a wife and kids and is 'retired' but he always is dragged back in. You can't ever stop, even if that's all you want.

He shook the thoughts out of his head, he needed at least some peace from everything thing that was following him. Maybe, Bucky being so hungry and demanding food would actually get his mind to stop thinking all the time. 

Steve turned into the rest stops parking lot, taking a spot closest to the door.  He got out and walked to the door of the building, it wasn't anything special, it looked like every other place along the road.

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