Chapter 14: let me in...

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After me and Bridgett had our talk, poppy asked for sometime to come up with a plan for Bridgett and the Bergen king, who is apparently named gristle ...
"Hey (y/n)..." I look over my shoulder to see branch and he gives me a little smile before sitting next to me.
I nod giving a smile back," is this seat taken." He asks sarcastically.
"Yes, you kinda stole bobs seat, he is not gonna be very pleased" I chuckle, knowing he didn't just come over here to goof around.
Branch then looks at me seriously and I know that I had hit the nail on the head."what was going on with you earlier?....and what did you say to the Bergen? Since when did you get so buddy buddy with them?" All at once the questions that he seemed to have built up just flowed out of him. I wish I could tell him the truth, but something inside me was keeping me from saying...was this guilt? What do I have to be guilty for.
I shake my head before shrugging. "I don't know maybe little miss sunshine struck a cord with me?" I chuckle, but quickly go quiet when I see Branch look at me with a hurt expression.
"I know you (y/n) and that is not what is going on here..." I look away from him unable to stand his gaze.
"You never keep secrets from me..." he says," so why now?"
There is only one thing I never told him before and that was the fact I had feelings for him. And just like with that info. Whatever is going on with me, I really don't wanna drag him into it. It's not his responsibility to always care for me.
"I'm not lying Branch cross my heart" I say faking a small smile.
"Ohh?" He asks crossing his arms," then do the thing where you cross your fingers over your heart...and look at me as you do so..." I freeze at those words.
"....I see" he sighs standing up and glancing at me.
"You mean a lot to me you know (y/n) your like family to me..." I glance at the ground as my already torn heart tears a little more.
" you can always come to me for anything...and I hope that you let me in to that head of yours soon" he walks away, and it takes every ounce of my being to not break down right then and there.
"And that's the plan!!" I hear poppy shout and I focus all my attention to her sudden happiness, in a attempt to forget my own problems for a bit.
I see poppy, her other troll friends, and Bridgett all in a little group huddle. Bridget seems to be externally nervous about whatever scheme poppy has conjured up, while the Others seem eager to begin their little 'mission'.
I call out to Bridget in a attempt to comfort her," just say the word bridget!!" Me and Bridget had decided to use 'friend' as a safe word to let me know to either. One get her out of a situation that she doesn't feel comfortable with, or two if she feels forced into something.
She smiles giving me a little nod to tell me she understood. Never did I ever think I would say this, but she is extremely innocent, like the type of innocence you just want to protect, and not poppy's over the top one. Bridget kinda gives me a feeling that makes me think of her as a little sister. Though I am pretty sure she is older then me. I glance back over to branch, and he seems to be leaning on a wall just observing everything quietly. He will get over this...right.

Author's note: lol since someone asked me to attempt it I am gonna for the first time I am doing branches pov!!! Lol if u don't like his pic I can remove it and edit it out, but if u like it maybe u can add more pov's of him or some other characters later.

Branch's pov
Why won't she tell me what's bugging her... I sigh and make my over to a wall leaning my arm up against it.
She is not being herself and it's starting to worry me...I mean don't get me wrong if she is becoming happy, I would be glad, she deserves it after everything she...we have been through.
I keep watching her out of the corner of my eye, trying to hide the fact I'm doing so. I probably shouldn't be worrying, if it was something that important she would tell me, wouldn't she? "Gahhh, you idiot" I mutter to myself shaking my head.
I should have pushed her more for answers cause now, not knowing is gonna drive me crazy...why does she make me this way I'll never know. She's kinda like a sister to me in a way...but would you look at a sister like this? Would your heart race just being near your sister? Would the fact that shes keeping something from me, drive me to the brink of insanity if I thought of her as a sister? Would I think she was attractive if I only thought of her as a...ok now this is just taking a weird turn.
She seems to glance in my direction, so I play it off as me just taking a look around. Maybe I'm just a nuisance to her. Maybe she don't care for me like I care for her. Maybe I am just turning as annoying as the other trolls from troll village. Maybe things run deeper then I am seeing, and instead of her being different being because of happiness she is actually slipping deeper into despair ?
...DAMN It (Y/N)!!!!
I look down at my feet as I I take a deep breath...please (y/n)... just let me in...

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