Chapter 15: what the hell is this?!

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           Author's note: hey guys sorry that I haven't updated in a while I had to prepare for finals, but now they are over sooo I should have more time to do this story. And I just wanna thank u for all the people who took the time to read it and have made it this far It makes me really happy to know people actually like it! So I hope u have a nice day and enjoy this new chapter.

            "Alrighty!!!" Poppy shouts out of nowhere and I roll my eyes.

              Sooo it's time to get this rollercoaster going...hold on to your seats everyone! I chuckle to myself, as everyone gathers over at poppy. I look at Branch who quickly looks away from me, suddenly taking interest in the ceiling. Niiiice real natural Branch. I sigh and out of nowhere the other trolls break out into song.

"WAAAIT!!!" Bridget yells and I cover my ears at her sudden outburst.

"Why aren't they singing?" Bridget says pointing out Branch and I...dang it Bridget you have literally fucked us...

"I-I don't sing..." branch says and I glance in his direction, remembering the look on his face that day.

"Ohhh come on branch it's just one song.." poppy says walking up to him and he shakes his head violently, looking at me with the 'please help me' look in his eyes.

Even if he's mad at me he knows I got his back," poppy just don't push it ok" I say stepping between them.

"It's just one song what is he so afraid of" poppy urges, taking a step toward me with her usual smile.

I growl before getting in her face," fucking drop it or I swear to fucking Christ pinkie..."

Poppy loses her stance, apparently taken off guard at my sudden forcefulness. Yet, she didn't back down as she regains her composure. "I just wanna know what's so..." she gets cut of by branch yelling.

"That's enough, I don't sing because singing killed my grandma ok!!!" He yells turning his back to us, "just don't fight over it geez..."

I feel my body start to calm down from my outburst, and I immediately go to touch his shoulder.

"B-branch I..." before I can touch him though he just walks away, "it's not your problem..." he whisper.

I feel my chest contract in pain, as he uses my own words against me and it takes all my power to not breakdown. "...(y/n)..." I glance over to see poppy giving me knowing eyes, she knows...she always knew...

I feel a tear roll down my cheek. 'T-take care of him ok..' I think to myself.

I wipe the tear away and smile brightly, "it's ok poppy...just I don't think he will listen to me right now...he needs you, so please" I walk towards Bridget.

"You help him, we got this don't we gang!!" The other trolls smile at me and start jumping up and down yelling yea! Before they break out into a dance and begin working on Bridget.

"...this ain't right (y/n), you got it all wrong...he needs you not me.." I smile at her refusing to give into my emotions.

"But Maybe I am right..." I say then walk off with the other trolls as I pick up a nail polish brush and began helping the headphone girl troll.

The headphone girl smirks before taking her hand and putting it in the nail polish, as she leaves a handprint on my face.
I look at her confused, and she giggles," you gotta little something!" I roll my eyes and let out a little chuckle of my own before taking the nail polish and doing the same to her, hell we even got Bridget in on it.

It was kinda like they were trying to cheer me up, in their own way. It was weird, they don't even know me. Yet...they tried to make my day a little brighter, and trust me I was grateful for the distraction. Eventually we all calmed down and began finishing up our job with Bridget, and that's when poppy and Branch came back. I wonder how she talked him into it honestly, but I don't question it, as I focus on adding the last of some sort of pink powder to Bridget's cheek.

"What the hell is this?!" Branch calls out and I pretend I don't hear him as the others smile, and begin bragging on the job we did, and honestly I don't think we did half bad.

I finally work up the courage to look at branch and when I do, I see him sending a little smile my way, and I give a little smile back. Like I said before, even if I ain't his favorite person we have each other's back. We just have to let whatever is happening run its course.

Authors note: ok next chapter is gonna be Branchs pov of what him and poppy talked about while the reader was "decorating Bridgett" lol I hope u guys enjoyed and I'll see u all soon. Plus after the story is all done (which won't be for a while) I will edit everything so it's not as horrible but until then u gotta deal with the ugly. Anyway bye!!!

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