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My eyes pry open and I stare at the ceiling, feeling the strain on my eyes. I sigh, turning over tiredly as I reach for my phone.

Oh my gosh, Grayson told me you're home?
Are you okay?? I missed you so much!
Text me as soon as you read this, I need to see you babe.

I groan, harshly resting my phone on my nightstand. "Gray!" I yell with a raw tone. He doesn't answer. "Grayson!" I call louder.

He slowly walks into my room, his attention focused on his phone. "What?" He absentmindedly replies.

"Why the fuck would you tell Madison I was home?" I ask, scowling. "Get your head out of my business. It's not your problem."

Grayson rips his gaze from his phone. "What's your problem man? She was worried about you." He says, frowning. "You're being an asshole to everyone just because of that girl you made up."

I grab my alarm clock, rage flooding my senses and launch it at my brother in full force. It loudly hits his left side, only grazing his shoulder.

Grayson looks mortified. His mouth is wide and are his eyes. "Fuck you." He seethes, waking out of my room, slamming my door closed.

Breathing heavily, I look over onto my table. My eyes grace my phone and I scramble to it, typing in the study simulation areas number.

"Hello?" A friendly receptionist answers.

"I-I need to talk to Dr.Edwards." I reply quickly. "I was in a s-simulation yesterday. I mean I w-woke up."

The line is quiet for a moment. "Just a second while I transfer you." She faintly replies.

A minute later I hear the doctor. "Hello?"

"It's Ethan!" I say loudly through the phone. "S-Sorry" the apology escapes my lips. "It's Ethan Dolan. I woke up yesterday. I wanted to ask about the.... The girl?"

The doctor sighs. "Mr.Dolan she is very much alive. She overcame a different simulation and so she might not know you. Her imagery was just transferred to yours for a nano second. We believe it is why your simulation was purely based off of her."

I slightly smile. "She's real?"

"In a way..." Dr.Edwards replies. "She just didn't have the same experience as you did. Hence, her personality, feelings, everything was different."

"Can I have her name?" I ask, a sliver of hope bubbling in my chest. "I want to meet her!"

"I'm afraid I'll have to ask her permission on that Mr.Dolan."

I click my tongue. "Can you just let it slide?" I ask desperately. "Please, Doctor."

"I'm sorry Ethan." He sternly replies. "But I cannot compromise my patients safety. I'll get back to you when I get a response. If not by call, by email. Thank you." He says before ending the call.

I growl, running my hands through my hair as I pull at my roots. That's all before I think about it again. Octavia is real. I can meet her all over again. I can see her and touch her and love her again.

Only if she lets me.


I open my door, dipped in cologne and my home clothes. "Grayson?"

"What?" He responds lowly from the dining room.

"I'm sorry." I mumble, pulling my hoodie sleeves. " I was an asshole."

"I know." He replies with a scoff. "I was there when you threw the alarm clock at me."

I sit down across from him feeling tears prick my eyes. "I know. I've just been... on edge." I reply.

"She's not real." Grayson says.

"She is. I called. She's a real person just doesn't know who I am." I respond.

He bites the inside of his lip, looking down at his arms. "That's just as bad as not existing."

I shift forward in my seat. "That's the thins gray. The doctor is going to call her. If she agrees to let him give her info, I can meet her."

Grayson chuckles. "You think she's going to agree to meet a stranger who claims to be in love with her over a 10 day simulation?" He asks.

A pang hits me and I inhale. He's right. My eyes feel heavy and I shut them right. "I just miss her. Real or not real."

"I know, dude. But you gotta talk to me, yeah?" Grayson says softly. "I want to help you."

I nod half heartedly. "Yeah."

it's the weekend and I survived school :) anyways, I'll probably be able to update tmrw. I'll try and fit in updates with studying and hw but I'll update as much as possible. Thank you for understanding 💓💓

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