Chapter Eight

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I'm Sorry - Brenda Lee


We approached a wide opening within the cave. It seemed to lead on for miles into unknown darkness. The natural light from outside was starting to lessen, like arms stretching out to something they couldn't reach. 

From the amount of time we consumed walking, I was led to believe that we were very far from the shore. Asaíra walked into the shadows and we followed behind her closely. A shiver ran down my spine as the hairs on my neck stood up. There was something else here, but I was too afraid to voice it out loud.

Séres took her phone from her pocket and used the dim screen light to illuminate the rough, rocky pathway. 

"We're almost here," I heard Asaíra say, a bit off in the distance. "I can feel it." The ground gradually ascended as we walked. I almost tripped on an elevated piece and then realized that stairs were forming. They were crumbling to bits, indicating they'd been here a long time.

Séres grabbed my hands. I noticed new light seeping from above, a series of small holes in the ceiling. It cascaded down the cave walls and to the middle of the wide space where a stone-like figure stood at the very top of the ascended ground. Séres and I squinted, trying to get a better look, but all we could see was the feminine outline. It had toned legs, with feet planted firmly on the ground, a sword held with contempt in its right hand, and a head that looked up to the ceiling, as if searching for its escape.

Could this be true? I thought. My understanding of what was sensible had already gone out of the window from the day Asaíra appeared through the ceiling of my school's library. But this wasn't something I'd expected. It meant that she would be able to carry out her plan and that was not good. She reeked of vengeance.

Asaíra slowly approached the figure, her ultramarine eyes, shimmering in the faint light as she gazed up with awe. She took a few steps forward, almost slipping on the smooth stone that jotted out of the ground, but that didn't faze her. Her fingertips trailed the curvy outlines of what stood before us as she softly whispered, "xýpnioi tóra, írthe i óra." A low, eerie hum swirled around us.

Séres' grip on my hand tightened. We stood there in silence as we mentally prepared for something to happen. Asaíra's eyes were locked on the figure. Séres looked around. I felt her finger poke my side. 

"What is she doing?" she asked. We both watched as Asaíra kneeled before the figure, and tightened her grip on a sharp rock that was perched nearby until blood drew from her palms.

"I haven't the slightest clue," I replied. Asaíra placed her cut hand on the figure, and let the blood trickle down the outline. Within seconds, cracks appeared on the surface where the blood touched, revealing an ebony coloured surface. 

Séres and I took a step back as the deep rumbling hum continued. We both stared at the walls of the cave, wondering if they were about to shift. The cracks continued to appear, spreading wider than before, pieces of stone falling to the ground. 

Asaíra got on her knees and began whispering words we couldn't comprehend. The humming stopped once all the pieces had fallen, and there before us, stood who I assumed was Irvine. She stood in the same pose will turning her head slowly to look at us. She had chocolate copper dreadlocks that flowed down her head to the end of her back, glowing amber eyes and smooth ebony skin. A gold, metal-like armour fitted her like a glove and in her hand was the sword, with a pulsing, glowing, heather aura. My eyes locked on it. With each pulse, it seemed to speak.

But I tore my gaze away as I noticed Irvine's unrelenting stare.

But I tore my gaze away as I noticed Irvine's unrelenting stare

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Asaíra got up from her knees and held a tremulous smile. Her hands visibly trembled as she clasped them in front of her face.

"Irvine, our warrior," she said. She quivered where she stood. "I have come for your alliance." Irvine cocked her head to one side, her eyes narrowed to slits as she assessed Asaíra. It seemed like hours had passed before she spoke. 

"You are a milieuz," she noted with a deep feminine purr. She drew forth her foot and stepped down from where her statue once stood. "What do you really want with me? We do not free their enemies from bondage unless it results in their demise." Irvine continued to walk down the steps, past Asaíra until she came to an abrupt stop before Séres and me with a raised brow. "I'm on earth, aren't I?" She asked as she looked at us. 

"Yes," Asaíra quickly answered. "But, I need your help. I will forever be in your debt if you do what I ask." Irvine scoffed and began walking back the same way we came. We all followed:  Asaíra to plead her case, whilst Séres and I didn't want to be left behind here.

"Help?" Irvine's fiery eyes burned with fury. "I will no longer be affiliated with your people," Irvine seethed. She gracefully avoided the sharp rocks with her bare feet as she walked. Séres, however, tripped over every one. "They sealed me in here," Irvine continued. "Stole my freedom. For centuries... Killed off, my family. My people." I listened intently.

"I know, but things have escalated," Asaíra replied. The glimmer of hope was starting to fade from her eyes. We were a bit relieved as we heard the sound from the waves crashing upon the shore, indicating we were close to the cave's entrance. "They've taken new measures to replace the responsibilities of your people! Please! I-I freed you!"

"Please, tell me why this must involve me?" 

Asaíra froze in her tracks. 

"They're sacrificing children... babies! To keep up that wicked border!" Irvine walked off unfazed until she reached the opening of the cave. She seemed smug, breathing in fresh air and basking in the scarce sunlight due to the bad weather. "Children Irvine!" Asaíra yelled once more as a reminder as she exited the cave and stood right in front of the warrior. Irvine's eyes turned dangerously dark. Her armour clanked as she turned. 

"You and I both know that Eton practised this long before I was cast out." She glared with eyes as hard as nails. Her gruff tone was starting to escalate. "But now, you seem...distressed?" Asaíra looked down, her eyes searching for a focal point on the rocky ground. "Did they finally kill one of your own?" Asaíra let out a huff. Irvine laughed humorlessly. "They're evolving. And now you want me to help release your wrath on them."

I glanced at Asaíra who now held a blank look. The sea breeze picked up her white hair, making her seem more magical than ever. I wondered how she really felt behind the emotional wall she built. Alone and helpless in this world... it would drive anyone mad.

"Look-" Asaíra started to cough and her hands flew up to her throat in a panic. She grunted as if something was lodged deep in her throat. 

Irvine's attention was fully plastered on Asaíra, baffled. I sucked in a sharp breath, eyes wide as I contemplating what to do. 

Asaíra continued to grunt violently, to the point where Séres ran to her and tried to assist by patting her back lightly. I wanted her to hit with more force. My hands were clenched at my sides in as I stood there petrified. 

Asaíra coughed some more until a small piece of paper flew from her mouth and landed in front of Irvine. For a brief moment, no one dared to move. We all stared at the paper on the ground. 

"What the-" I half-whispered to myself. I didn't know what to make of it. Did Asaíra have Pica? I thought.

Irvine bent over and picked up the paper. She unfolded it with a perplexed look and read, "Apó stáchti se aftín." 

"What does that mean?"Séres asked. Irvine placed her hand on her broad hips, her thick lips pressed into a thin line.

"They are coming," Asaíra replied, slightly out of breath. She placed a hand on her chest. "It is probably a message from Läera." She looked at Irvine with pleading liquid pools. "Please, help me."


And sorry for the long wait. This month has been hectic. Thanks for reading! Don't forget to leave feedback.

Taja D'amore.

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