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Debby's Pov

I was siting at my desk. I open up my journal  and then begin to think while laughing because it reminds meon what my brother says to me, " if you feel like it just write" and I've been doing this since I was little. Opening up finding a blank page.Begining to let my thoughts run wild. Once I finish I decied to look back and I came across an old entry and reading though it I decide to add a little more. This is how it read,

 Dear Journal,

So much has happen, but I never forget so I'm start from the beginning. Moving to Beacon Hills at the age of 10 at first seem like the worse case scenario in my life I even called it the place where Hell was born.

But as time got better and I seem to mature (Lol) I grown to love it because mainly I met two amazing guys who go by the names Scott Mccall and Stiles Stiliniski. They reminded me of the brothers I never wanted which is strange since I do actually have a brother. Also I met Lydia Martin and Alison Argent they became the sisters I never had as well.

Any way we became close to the point it seems like we were magnets and couldn't be separated. We had crazy adventures involve the supernatural. It all started when Scott got the bite and not just like a doggy bite but this one was from a werewolf.

 Know your thinking about are you serious a werewolf like"Howl" . Yes ladies and gentleman I do mean it. Scott was bitten by a werewolf who turned out to be a alpha by the name of Peter Hale who is uncle to Derek Hale who is also a werewolf (more like Sour wolf) we met him.

 Though we hated him majority of times and he was a pain (not going to lie a very hot pain) he does help Scott learn control, but what ticked me off was when Derek decied to play selfish ass killing Peter before Scott could taking his chance at taking the cure out of werewolf central,

Pausing a little I'm spilling my story and haven't introduce myself. I'm Debby Pearce, I'm 17 years old , I didn't know if I would be able to make it. I have an older brother name Kyle, who I live with. We lost our parents to an 'animal attack'. we later find out was done by werewolf. Guess who did it ding dong dang Peter Hale (Funny how his name keeps poping up).

I know what you want to ask and go ahead, 'Well are YOU a werewolf?' Ladies and gentleman let me tell you the answer to that lovely question is yes I am .but I'm not like Scott who is a beta I'm an Alpha. I was given it by my father as he's last dying wish when he was trying to save me even though I only had a broken leg compare to my mother and him. You see making this shorter I use to be an Omega Alpha (Lol), but as I got closer with my friends I was able to open up more with them and see that I'm not as alone as I made myself to seem and made me realize with the help of my brother and friends I could do anything.

Now that my intro is out the way it's been a few moths and let me tell you a lot has happen. I mean losing my mind for moments (if you knew you would totally understand) my friends and I had to deal with a lizard creature called a Kanima who turned out to be Jackson Whittemore (who moved to London).

I mean if that seem like hell then what happen next was only childs play. After that we had a new pack come into Beacon Hills just as it was coming to seem normal, no way but this pack was just a pack pack it was fill with Alpha and if that didn't make you piss your pants it had a group of Twins who could combine and form a big giant monster.While dealing with them we had to also deal with people strangely becoming sacrifices.

Doing a lot of Research we found out the one doing all the sacrifices was something called a dark oak or Darach and we found out the identify was of a teacher use to know as Jennifer Blake who was by far the best teacher (not lying I was hoping it was Mr.Harris), but any way it was so crazy to the point we didn't know who to trust and we put everything on the line and almost lost it all.Scott,Stiles, and Alison had to sacrifice themselves, Literally to save their parents I mean who wouldn't, but let me tell you it had a consequnce and it left some sort of Darkness in their Hearts, but it didn't matter at the time all that matter was saving the lives of others and that's just what we done. Soon after Scott became an Alpha which was amzing he's label as a "true Alpha" which shines best for him since they don't have to steal to gain their title it only happens ever other time spam. While Scott and the other soon had to deal with consquence of dying and coming back we had to deal with a japanese spirt called the Nogitsune that ran us to hell because it took the face of Stiles and almost killed us all. This seem to be our toughest battle even when it was down the wire and Alison got killed. Stab right in the gut with a sword. I remeber like it was yesterday, but with her sacrifice we were able to find out how to kill Oni who at the time was being control by the Nogitsune. Though this we also was able to meet new friends, one name Kira Yukimura who was quite shy at first and a little akward, but as we got to know her we found out she was a thunder kitsune, she is able to control electric as well use fox magic. She also uses a sword and let me tell you it's pretty badass watching her use it. We also soon met this girl by the name of Mali-...

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