#Satan in A V Neck

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I don't Own anything Teen Wolf (Teardrop) But I give full credit to Jeff Davis and his Awesome Crew and Cast :D on the show

I only own Debby as well my original plot that wasn't on the Show.

Enjoy :D

Debby's Pov

Once Class was over Scott, Stiles, and I Raced over to Deaton's, Malia wanted to go but I told her it was a bad idea, so she stay with Kira just in case. First thing we notice was a hurt Deaton *Looks like Derek* Lydia explain to us how Derek was acting when he woke up,

"So are you saying he is, not only a young body wise, but mind too"

Lydia Nods,

"Yep he barely recognize either one of us. He was also scared"

Stiles looked up at the door and back toward us running a hand through his hand,

"Ok, If you was a young scare werewolf where would you go?"

Stiles looks at Scott,

"Well Wolves usually go to their Den, where they feel safe at"

I Nods realizing where this was going,

"The Hale House?"

Deaton turns to us nodding,

"If that is it then you better find him"


I looked at them,

"If that is true then Derek might not even remember the fire"

Deaton nods. Stiles Scott and I begin rushing to the door,

"Ok say we do find him, what do we say"

"Easy we tell him the truth"

Scott raises an eyebrow turning to me.

"Deb it's not that simple. He might not understand"

"Scott I know but we can't just lie"

Stiles looks between us before answering and what a shocker he takes Scott's side,

"He's right Deb we can't tell him about the fire"

Taking a deep breath I glare at them,

"Ok but don't say I told you so"

As we head toward Stiles Jeep,

"You riding or taking your car"

My Phone begins to ring and it read Kira


"Where are You?"


"I'll be there. Don't let her move Thank You so much"

As I hang up Scott and Stiles looks at me,

"What is it?"

"I'm take my car. Looks like Malia got in a fight"


"Nothing serious Kira stopped it before any adults saw,but"


"The girl has a broken arm"

Scott and Stiles faces were priceless they jaws were hanging down,


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