All Contracts Terminated...Finally?

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The season is almost over as well the story I'm thinking about doing a SQUEAL what you guys think?

I want to Thank @Skye_obrien for my new cover and Help if you guys hadn't notice and also if you guys been wondering who Debby could be potrayed as Anna Kendrick

Enjoy :D

Debby's POV

Once Malia and I came from our highs and she unchained me. I watched her chest move up and down while she sleeps .She looked more comfortable then I every seen. I feel way different is that good? I mean it seem liked our soul merged. Looking outside toward the sky I notice how bright the sky was shining my eyes. I slowly moved from Malia; which failed miserable when she pulled me back harshly,

"Where are you going?"

I laugh at how cute she looked muttering in the pillow. Ruffling her hair I smile,

"I was going to the bathroom"

She releases her grip slowly closing her eyes once again. Walking from the bathroom I quietly move on the bed leaning on the headboard reaching over for my phone. Instantly it begins to ring; checking the ID it read "MAMA MCCALL" Turning to Malia hesitantly I answer the call,

"Hi Mrs. McCall...Yeah I'm on the way...Make sure he doesn't move"

I hanged up the phone, turning to Malia I shake her awake. Lifting up she glares at me grabbing my wrist

"What? I thought we agreed to sleep in."


Getting out of bed lifting my shirt heading into my clothes picking out a cute light blue tank top with a blue shear blouse with some Blue jean shorts and not forgetting the shoes I wore some cute flats. Arriving to the hospital with Malia we caught up with a nurse directing us to the room. As we got closer I could hear Stiles and Mrs. McCall. What ever was going on it seems to be Stiles' fault,

"I'm completely and totally fine."

" completely and totally have a concussion, Stiles. Lie back down. The doctor said you're not leaving without a CT scan."

"We still haven't paid for the last one."

"Oh, no, no, no. Meredith is at the station. Your dad said it could take some time but he will get her to talk. Even if I let you go, what would you do?"

"Okay, fine. Can you do me one little favor?"


"Can you get me a tape player?"

"Like cassettes?"

"Yes. Tapes."

"Yeah, I'll see what I can do."

"Okay, tapes, though, please."


Malia and I walk over just in time for Mrs. McCall walking outside. Looking up at us she smiles,

"Glad you...Girls could come"

I nod,

"Yeah is Stiles in there"

"Yeah, maybe you guys can calm him down"

"We'll try."

I turned to Malia,

"Go inside I'll be there in a second"

She nods hesitantly walking into Stiles' Room. I looked at Mrs. McCall who looked stress to the point,

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