I will Never Leave...Without You

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I don't Own anything Teen Wolf (Teardrop) But I give full credit to Jeff Davis and his Awesome Crew and Cast :D on the show
I only own Debby as well my original plot that wasn't on the Show.

Malia's Pov

Once I opened my eyes I'm greeted by a pair of Worry Brown eyes,

"Thank God"

I look at Debby smiling . I grab the hem of her shirt kissing her lips at first she didn't respond but as the kiss got harder she was moaning. we kiss until neither one of us had breath left, so I grabbed her Waste pull her toward me so we could lay down, but she wasn't having it,

"Malia Wait"

I looked at her confused till I notice her eyes begin to wander and we had an audience,


I leaned in again kissing her lips quickly. she smiles pulling away,

"Sorry I'll make it up to you"

I shake my head agreeing. Looking around it seem we were in a dirty restroom of some kind. Debby looked at Lydia who was holding her ears like she was in pain,

"What's Wrong?"

Lydia didn't say anything just shook her head. I look over at the tiles and begin trying to claw my way out. Kira walked over to me,

"No Luck"

"No were sealed in"

I looked over and Debby and Stiles was talking; they were watching Scott who was still out cold,

"He's going to wake up"

"Hope your right?"

I looked more close and I notice Stiles was about to put his arm around Debby,

"Your jealous?"

Looking at Kira,

"I'm not jealous, more like furious look how close they are."

"It's ok to be Jealous"

I looked at her glaring daggers at Stiles,

"No way am I jealous of HIM"

Lydia looked at Kira and I before asking me,

"Malia you care about Debby?"

"Yeah, Why?"

"Never mind you have nothing to worry about"

I turned back to Debby and notice Stiles and her standing together. I slip pass Lydia and Kira moving over by Debby, she gave me a small smile while we stood. Soon the door opens and some men walk inside. I was about to jump them, but Debby grabs my wrist. They looked at us then stopped at Lydia,

"Banshee comes with us"

Lydia looks at us mainly Debby before following them. Soon everyone became quite once again. I turn to Stiles and Kira who was looking at an unconscious Scott who hasn't woken up. I looked at Debby and ask her,

"Your Quite, Why?"

She gave me a small smile before responding,

"Just waiting"


"Because I know once Scott wakes up we can figure out how to get out"

I don't know how she can still have faith in him, but I do trust Scott a little,

"I have to ask you something"

"Sure what's on your mind"

"When the guards came in, why did you hold me back I could of taken them"

Blue Love (Malia Tate)Where stories live. Discover now