You Don't Always Have To Be Strong

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I don't Own anything Teen Wolf (Teardrop) But I give full credit to Jeff Davis and his Awesome Crew and Cast :D on the show

I only own Debby as well my original plot that wasn't on the Show.

Enjoy :D

Debby's Pov

After the game seem like the word spread like wild fire. All of the players was swarming around coach,

"You'll get your gear tomorrow"

Rubbing my shoulders Scott give me a small smile,

"Are you ok?"

"Scott it's going to take more than a crazy bitch to take me out"

Nodding he smiles while we walk around. Looking over I see a familiar face *Kyle*,


Grunting I look at Scott,

"It's Fine"

He nods moving toward Liam,


Kyle rushes over giving me a bone crush hug looking down at me before tell me,

"Are you ok? The sheriff called the house saying there was an attack"

Rubbing his shoulder,

"I'm Fine as you can see, thanks for the worry"

Grabbing my hand in a tight grip I glare at him,

"Let go Kyle"


"I'm Fine Kyle"

Shaking his head I could feel his grip only get tighter,

"That's not it, Why haven't you been home lately"

Laughing at realization on what this really meant I shake off his grip. Looking around making sure no one was watching,

"Actually I have been home lately just not your home"


Patting his shoulder smiling at how clueless my brother really is,

"I needed a change in scenery"

"With Malia?"

Nodding I smile kissing his cheek,

"I don't hate you Ky, your still my brother I love you, but it was either me or him , and you made your while I made mine"

"I don't know your only 17 Deb"

"Kyle please"

Finally taking the hint he nod. Smiling with glee I gave him a hug,

"Ok and you'll always have a home if this isn't permanent"

"Thanks Ky"

Giving him one last hug I walk around meeting up with Scott and Liam,

"Where's Kira and Stiles?"

"Kira left when Stiles told her about the deadpool"

"Her Mom is on it I don't blame her"

"Everyone is on that list"

"Not everyone"

Looking around running a hand through my head I don't know why, but I started to feel slightly dizzy shaking off all my nerves.

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