Chapter 13

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Another chapter :) enjoy!

Another pic of Elizabeth ----->

Jake P.O.V


As soon as I came out of the shadows I knew it was a mistake! Her smell was driving me crazy! It was so weird! I couldnt control my wolf much as I approached her. She saw me from the corner of her eye and she looked straight ahead stopping her cries. She was so still, but I could hear her heart beating rapidly. She was breathing a little fast and I wondered if I was scaring her.

Of course your scaring her Jake! It's 2 in the morning and your coming out of the shadows! She probably thinks your a demon or something, I thought to myself.

But she can probably smell me, my wolf thought. I shrugged, good point.

I came towards her more and I saw her more clearly. Oh fuck, she was gorgeous!

I looked at her closely and I frowned when I saw her jeans and tank top stained with blood. Had she been jumped? Is that why she's so scared? But if she had been jumped why were her clothes all wet? I sniffed the air trying to see if there was any other wolf close but all I smelled was the vanilla scent mixed with woods. It made me smile more and I shook my head, why was her scent driving me crazy?

I was almost next to her, and I looked down at her. Her breasts at a perfect view from here and-. Pervert! My wolf told me. Shut up I told him.

"Are you ok?" I asked finding my voice.

Stupid! Does she look alright to you? My wolf asked. I ignored him.

She turned to look at me and I wished she hadnt. I was shocked as I saw her beautiful face even closer. She looked like an angel under the moonlight. All she had missing was the wings.

She was biting her lip as she looked at me. I felt my body grow warm as her eyes roamed my body. I knew I had great abs. I worked hard for them. At least 4 hours in the gym each day. I shook my head, that wasnt the point!

Her eyes reached my V muscle just above my d!ick. She bit her lip so hard blood was starting to come out. I started to feel hot. My wolf wanted to come out so bad! I pushed him inside of me.

"Ummm...are you...ok?" I asked her again feeling like an idiot. She hadnt answered yet and I wanted to hear her voice again.

She turned to look at my eyes. Her pretty green eyes growing scared. She shook her head. I felt slightly disappointed when she didnt speak.

Maybe someone HAD actually jumped her.I noticed her cheek was a bit swollen and her nose had been bleeding. I could smell blood on her, and there was definitely something wrong with her ribs. I smelled another person's blood on her also, a human but what made me frown with confusionn was the faint vampire scent she had. I hadnt noticed it before but now I certainly did.

I came closer to her worried she was hurting. Maybe she had been in vampire lands and they had attacked her? My wolf growled in frustration. He wanted to close the distance between us.

I started to feel tingly all over my body. What was going on? Why did this girl make me feel like this? Maybe she was a vampire in disguise? Your so stupid ,my wolf told me, how can she be a vampire in disguise?! She has a heartbeat!

I know I know shut up I told him back.

I tried opening my mouth to speak but I couldnt.

I crouched so I could be at the same level as hers. She looked at me, and again I stared at her she was so beautiful! I had never seen someone as beautiful as her! I felt my wolf jump and my canines started to extend. I clenched my jaw trying to push him back.

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