Chapter 15

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Another chapter :) enjoy!!! <3

Pic of Cynthia on side ---->

Elizabeth P.O.V



I could hear people talking quietly around me. I didnt open my eyes yet. I had the hugest headache in the history of headaches! I heard the voices leaving and a door shut.

After a little while I opened my eyes tiredly. I looked up at the white ceiling.

Wait! I sat up groaning. My body felt really heavy for some reason. I opened my eyes more as I looked around me, the bright light in the room making me squint.

I was in a small bed. It looked like one of those hospital beds. With white sheets and everything. The room I was in was big with more beds identical to the one I was at. A long window across from the bed. Revealing it was very early morning. The day looked cloudy and still dark.

There was a desk with boxes all with signs. A tv in the corner of the room, and what looked like a bathroom next to it.

Am I in a hospital?

I turned around and I saw a little drawer next to the bed with a jar full of water and other hospital tools. Including syringes. I gulped, I hated needles! They caused pain.

I looked at the jar of water again and reached for it feeling suddenly very thirsty. I grabbed it but then dropped it making water and glass go everywhere. I gulped feeling bad, hopefully the hospital wouldn't make me pay for it. I had no money at all.

I grunted, my arm suddenly felt weak! I looked at my arm closely. There was a needle in my vein and a little tube was connected to it.

I started to panic. It didnt hurt but I hated the thought of a needle inside of me. I looked down at myself hoping I wasn't naked.

I was wearing a light pink long dress. It was more like the pj's type of dress. The material felt silky against my bear legs. I looked at myself again. I hoped I was wearing a bra and underwear.

Thankfully I was, but they werent the purple bra and white panties I was wearing earlier. I blushed thinking how embarrassing it must've been for a nurse to change me. I looked at my body again I had a huge white bandage going around my stomach under my breasts. My cheek felt hot. I touched it and I was surprised to find there was a gel type of cream on my face making it feel hot. My back and legs were sore. My nose hurt a little.

I coughed making my ribs hurt a lot! Jesus that hurt!

At least the pain had decreased from what I felt earlier. I closed my eyes feeling dizzy. The headache wasnt gone yet. I looked at the tube thingy again. It was a clear liquid. My arm felt super weak. I tried raising it but it fell on the bed, all of a sudden heavy! Heavy as if it weighed 5 extra pounds. I looked at the water on the floor and wished I could drink it. My throat was dry and it hurt. My lips were probably chapped.

I sighed, I probably looked horrible! I rubbed my eyes with my good arm.

What the hell had happened? I felt so confused!

I sighed and started falling back asleep again when I remembered everything that had happened. My eyes started to sting. My lip started to quiver and I held in sobs.

Was my Ashton dead? I closed my eyes making the tears slide down my face. I felt a huge pain in my chest. I had left him with those vampires. I let out a sob as I remembered his last words to me. He had wanted me to run and escape, but I should have stayed with him, even if they killed me too. Those vampires would have killed me I was sure of it and we could both be dead now. I could be dead I thought. I wouldnt be feeling this pain.

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